Chapter 12. Thornes

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I laughed as Thomas tried to help me down the stairs to the dining room. But with his sprained ankle we got nowhere. We politely asked Vivian if she could help us and she did.

We got comfy in our chair and waited patiently, Colton who sat in front of me kept giving me a weird look.

"That's Cameron's brother, he thinks you'll kill him by making him work to hard for you" Thomas whispered in my ear.

The little girl that sat across from Thomas looked at Colton and then me and then him. "Daddy she's not gonna kill him" she said.

"Shut up Francis, you don't know what she thinks of doing to the person that almost killed her" he snapped.

"You will shut up and grow up, if I was gonna kill Cameron he would be dead by now so don't you dare take your anger of nothing out on your daughter!" I spit at him standing up in my spot.

Thomas chuckled loudly as did everyone else "you've apparently not met Serena" I finished and sat down. Which reminded me, I haven't seen her. I walked to her room.

I knocked "Serena it's Annemarie I'm coming in" I said. I walked in and couldn't find her anywhere. I heard sobbing coming from the bathroom.

I literally almost broke the door down, hurting myself in the process. I Serena with something in her hand and blood everywhere. I ran toward her and yanked the thing out of her hand. She was cutting!

I looked at the broken mirror and the glass. I started to sob, I hugged her and she started to cry.

Colton ran up here and looked at me and Serena. "You did this to her!" He yelled.

I walked up to him and punched him hard. I was furious with what he literally just said. "The fuck is the matter with you?" I asked.

Blood came from his nose "you stupid bitch that hurt!" He snapped at me.

I grabbed him by the shirt and raised my fist "I'll make it hurt more if you don't tell me what the hell your problem is" I snapped back.

"Thomas!" I screamed. He was in the room in a split second. "Seriously take Colton to the cellar, I'm so sick of his bullshit" I said.

Thomas took him out of the room. I looked back at Serena who was still crying holding her wrist. I rushed toward her and covered her wrist. When I realized she was bleeding a lot, I grabbed so,e bandage from the cabinet next to the shower.

I helped her wash out the blood, I wanted to say something but I didn't want her to freak out either.

When I finished I put my hand on the sink and put weight on it, my other hand on my hip "why did you do it?" I asked.

She said nothing, I lifted my sleeve and showed her my scars. Her eyes widened "I did this because of my horrible father, sweetie I know times are hard and you have no other way to express your pain but you can never ever do it like this do you understand me?" I asked.

She nodded and started to cry again. "Why did you do it?" I asked her again.

"I saw them hang my mama! I have no parents now! I'm a stupid orphan" she yelled at me.

I had forgotten to keep Serena distracted while that happened, and now that stupid mistake led to this. "What if I adopted you Serena? What would you think?" I asked her. It was the only right thing to do, I couldn't risk giving her away to some random family, who knows if they were like Aaron and Amy or worse.

"I would be happy because I don't wanna leave here" she replied quickly.

"Go play outside, I'll talk to Thomas about it ok?" I asked. She nodded and slowly went outside. I started to cry, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked and saw Thomas worried. I ran up and hugged him.

"I can't believe this is happening to her at a young age Thomas, she's an orphan now" I looked him in the eyes "I wanna adopt her, we should adopt her Thomas" I finished.

"Adopt Serena? We haven't even been together for five months and you wanna adopt a child?" He asked.

"Oh come on we already had sex so it doesn't even matter now!" I snapped back.

"Plus didn't I tell you to watch her while it happened?"

"I was busy saving your ass!" I spit at him.

"I saved your more than you saved mine, I got hurt more than you did! Now I'm starting to wonder if it was worth it!" he yelled. Then his face went sad "Annemarie I didn't-"

"You've said enough" I cut him off and walked outside toward Serena, slamming the front door. I looked down and just started to cry, my knees gave out and I fell. I can't believe he said that to me.

I thought he was different but I was wrong. I checked to see if I still had my knife hidden in my pants and in my boots. All three were there. I started walking away, taking Serena's hand I made my way toward the town.

I felt like I had to just leave. When we got there people gave us strange looks. I took out all the money I had and bought a small house, it was furnished. Houses in this city are really cheap compared to my kingdom, or pandemonium.

Serena went inside and went to a room. I hoped and prayed Thomas would come looking for me. But if he didn't even try then I knew I was on my own, and we were over.

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