27. Counsel and Combat

Start from the beginning

Enough for me to go on...

It'll be okay...you do have courage...that's enough

I felt a tug at the corner my lips. It stretched on and on till I found myself smiling my most genuine smile as my eyes brimmed with gratefulness for the stranger who stood by my side. Megan's words had been exactly what I had needed to hear they left me feeling strangely rejuvenated.

And all of a sudden it didn't matter anymore whether she was human or a wolf or some other strange species I didn't know of yet. She had been there for me when I was feeling completely alone, and I was so grateful.

"Thank you", I whispered as the words came to my lips from the bottom of my heart, "Thank you so much. You don't know how much I needed that. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you."

I can do this, I'll be okay. I may be weak and I may be afraid, but whatever I am is enough. I'll get by, I'll be okay. I can go on...like this!

But can you go on alone?...

That thought pricked my heart painfully but I didn't get time to dwell on it as Megan smiled back, "See, I told you telling someone would help", she said smiling and I smiled back ignoring that disturbing thought and shook my head, "But I didn't really say anything"

"You didn't really need to say it to tell me", she replied looking away and my eyebrows furrowed in question.


She shook her head, "I mean whatever little you did say was enough. Sometimes all it takes to set things right is a few words", I smiled, "Words telling someone the problem or words asking someone for answers"

That sentence caught me off guard, making my eyes shoot up to hers. Her eyes remained calm but a strange understanding glinted within them, "Think about it", she said, "if telling a stranger such as myself could help you, then imagine how much more someone you know would be able to do. Someone who cares. Someone whom you could tell the problem, and someone whom you could ask for answers. "

I cringed and bit my lip. That was my problem, I was alone. There was no one like that, no one I could tell without the fear of being punished for knowing...knowing that they were different, different from me.

"There is no one like that", I told her sadly but was surprised to find her smiling at me with amusement.

"Really?" she asked, her green eyes twinkling with mirth and my eyebrows knit together in confusion as I nodded and her eyes lifted to look behind me, "Don't bet on that"

Before I could ask her what she had meant a loud voice called out from behind me, making my eyes widen in shock.


Warmth rushed through my body at the sound of that familiar voice and I had just enough time to turn around before I found myself engulfed by large muscular arms and pressed into a warm hard chest that made electric tingles shoot through my body.


One of his large hands ran through my hair while the other rubbed my back up and down comfortingly before he pulled away just enough to let me look up at him. His handsome face was marred with deep concern, his eyes darting all over my face making sure I was okay.

Just like he always did

"Suzzanah, are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with apprehension, "You're not hurt are you?"

I was too shocked to say anything as realization dawned on me. He came for me, yet again, he came for me! Being in his arms instantly comforted me, making me feel safe. Just the sight of his face was enough to make my burden feel lighter, the rich scent of wet soil, his scent, was enough to calm my anxiousness, and the look in his warm brown eyes was enough...

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