Alexia seethed silently. This guy has no shame.

Alexia childishly stuck out her tongue, rudely turned her back on him and started talking to Almier.

“So have you completed your French homework? I am having a little trouble handling my argumentative essays.” Alexia lied, hoping to stir up conversation. It will be the end of the world, the day I have trouble with anything! Hah!

Almier glowed with radiance as he explained to her the details of her essay, while Alexia listened closely, not to the content of his words, but rather his deep and soothing voice that clearly articulated every single beautiful french word. Caden rolled his eyes, and sang in her ear, “Alexia and Almier sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”.

Alexia turned her face and glared at him, the sting from each word ringing in her ear.  Mr Jasper cleared his throat and shot daggers at them. If looks could kill, she would be dead by now.

The three of them ceased all shenanigans and continued listening to class. Well, Caden and Almier at least. Alexia was still staring at Almier's back, imagining things that normally wouldn't have crossed her mind. She turned red listening to her own thoughts and wished, for the first time ever, that she could switch off her mind. Stop Alexia. You're Alexia Lee for God's sake. Your thoughts are supposed to make Einstein wake up to reconsider his theories, not stir up sexual desires.

"Well, somebody looks a tad bit peachy," Caden suddenly teased.

"Shut up, Caden," Alexia sighed.

"Hey, I'm not the one weighing my chances in bed."

"That's not what I was thinking off!" Alexia protested, horrified.

Caden snorted. "Yeah, right. Because Physics totally makes one go pink. Lucky for you Alexia, we've got biology and chemistry tomorrow." He winked and Alexia wanted to gouge out his eyeballs.

For the rest of the class, Alexia managed to clear her shameful thoughts of Almier and filled them with murderous thoughts centered around severe torture methods involving Caden. I’ll make him cry and beg, till no end. He doesn't know when to stop. He doesn't know. Then she stopped, surprised even at her own venomous imagination. She'd known Caden for almost 8 years now, and he'd always been like this to her, so why was it bothering her so much now? It doesn't bother me, Alexia though, frantically trying to weave a cocoon for her own denial.

As the class bell rang, Alexia went off to find K.H. to gush over Almier and his beautiful face, ridding herself of all thoughts of Caden. K.H, ever present and ready to listen, jumped at the opportunity to expose Alexia's love-struck side.

“So how’s the infatuation with Almier going?” K.H teased, dropping down in one of the vacant cafeteria benches.

Alexia blushed, and laughed. “I can't wait for the study date!” she admitted, giggling uncharacteristically.

K.H rolled her eyes “Can’t you two love birds do something more fun? Study date? Oh gosh! You really are a nerd.”

Alexia scoffed. Almier waved his hand at her, giving her one of his dead gorgeous smiles. The blood immediately flowed to her cheeks as Alexia felt her stomach tingle as she attempted to focus on her unappetizing mashed potatoes and peas. Almier took the seat next to hers. K.H wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and took the opportunity to make her grand departure, much to Alexia's secret pleasure,  giving Alexia a slap on the back on her way out.

Almier seemed clueless as always, and continued rambling to Alexia about the glamour and charming atmosphere of France, and threw in a few french puns as well, making Alexia roar with laughter. Almier stood up, sticking his belly out and made a deep grunt “faire taire!” imitating their French teacher.

Alexia laughed. “You sound just like that grumpy old man!” She remarked, in a voice that sounded oddly high, too high to belong to her.  Almier simply smiled and continued blabbering.

I seriously cannot wait for the study date. Almier is just the perfect guy. His French is almost as good as mine too. This will be entertaining. Finally something to spice up my boring shit-hole of a life.

Out of nowhere, Alexia heard a deep cough and somewhere in between, the word lovebirds, not so subtly disguised. She raised her head immediately and found herself looking at Caden. She glared at him, subconsciously noticing the dark blue shade of his eyes. How could I not have noticed that before. She quickly waved the thought away just as quickly as it came. Not important. Almier's blue is a way nicer shade, anyway. Caden just flashed her his impression of a smile and stalked away, satisfaction written all over his face.

Why does Caden keep popping out of nowhere all of a sudden. Why can't he mind his own business and me, mine? However, even in Alexia's displeasure and annoyance, she couldn't keep the question that was lodged in the back of her mind frompopping up.

And why does it bother me so much?


YAY two new chapters in a day! Feel free to leave comments on your opinion of plot so far down below and give us advice on how to improve our writing! Hehehe So is Alexia going to advance in her relationship with Almier? Or is she going to think twice about it?

As always, thanks for reading!


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