Epilogue - Same Place, Same Promises

Start from the beginning

The next thing I knew is that, we are sitting in a chair in front of the priest. The ceremony is starting now. Everyone is quiet while the priest is talking. I glance to Lei from time to time just to see her face. She's sitting there with a huge smile. One time, she caught me staring at her and she smiled so sweetly to me with tears gathering in her eyes.

"I never thought I'd see you again. I thought that you would never forgive me and you'll hate me forever. But I was wrong. You showed me that you care, that you love me despite every mistake I've made." she started her little speech in the middle of the ceremony.

"You we're there when I walked away because I'm too scared to watch 'The Grudge' with the lads. You we're there to comfort me, you listened to me and you never judged me when I told you about my past. You we're there for me, Niall." she said and tears of joy starts to stream down her face.

"You loved me without fail. You showed me everything I failed to see after that accident. You made me feel special and loved. You are my everything now, Niall. I love you and thank you for everything you have given to me. I may not be the perfect girl you always wanted but I'll be a good wife, good enough for you to spend the rest of your days with me." she ended her speech and I hugged her. She hugged me back but we have to pull away because now, it's my turn to give a speech for her.

"Ever since that day, when I ordered a cup of cappuccino and two slices of chocolate cake, I can't take my eyes off of you. I remembered that day when I wondered why you don't seem to notice me. Then it turns out that you don't know me at all." I started and chuckled a bit even though tears are forming in my eyes right now.

"And then..." *sniff .. "You helped me without hesitation that day. You let me sleep on your lap and you stayed with me. You did that even though you hate guys. I guess I'm pretty special." I said and chuckled again, even the lads did.

"I know you're just scared at that time. I know that you tried to run after me and say good bye before going to Cali. Ayra told me about that. I never stopped loving you during those days. The lads tried to make me date a model or anyone but I never did, even just a friendly date. I was waiting for you."

"I may not be with you every time; especially when we need to go to another country but I promise you that I will remain loyal to you. I love you, Lei." I said and our foreheads our touching, feeling the warmth of each other.

"Forever and always." we said in unison and chuckled together. The crowd was cheering for us, even the lads.

The ceremony continued and it's ending soon.

"Niall, will you take Lei to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" the priest said, looking at me.

"I do. I really do." I said with a huge grin in my lips.

"Lei, will you take Niall to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

 "Yes, I do." she said and we can't help but smile at each other with tears of joy wanting to run down our cheeks. We are getting married. After this day, we are going to be together; we are going to be one.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." is all I heard after we exchanged our 'I do's'. That sentence break through my thoughts. We are now husband and wife. We'll be together forever after this day.

I kissed her deeply, full of my love for her. I want her to feel that I am doing this because I love her, because I want to be with her. She kissed me back with the same feelings and we're happy, very very happy. We pulled away faster than usual because a lot of people are watching us.

"Forever." we said in unison and I carry her in my arms, bridal style.

"You're mine and I'm yours." I said and she giggled. She's really beautiful with her black hair back and this beautiful girl in my arms is now my wife.

"I love you." she simply whispered to my ears which sent a thousand chills down my spine before we got to the limo. Now it's just the two of us and we're heading to our honeymoon which will last for a week.

Since that day, everything in our lives has changed. I become that guy who can't stop thinking about a girl more than his food. She became a girl who trusts a guy with her whole life. I'm sure a lot of things will be changed from now on. We will become more and more in love with each other.

The end

[Do you know how hard it is to write 'The End'? T_____T

Now it's officially over. I'm truly sorry for making you wait for it~! Uni is killing me slowly =.=lll

Okay, I won't be saying anything much here coz I'm going to make a 'little speech' xD. How corny is that?]

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