Chapter 24 - A broken doll

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[Sorry for the late update! Me and my family went to a place far far away from home so I wasn't able to update earlier!

Oh well~ Here it is!]

Niall's P.O.V

It's almost the end of the month. That means, this cast on my right ankle will finally be removed! It doesn't hurt anymore so I don't think there will be any problem regarding my ankle. They won't have to do it again for the second time.

We've been so busy this past few weeks for we are helping and writing our songs for our third album. We are also recording songs that are already done and just needs to be sung. And as usual, I'm playing the guitar in this album. I play the main guitar and one of our musical band is playing the guitar with me.

We still need about seven more songs to record in this studio and we'll be done with this album. That's why we need to do that photo shoot right away so that our editing staffs can start the editing our photos and put them on our album cover.

Speaking of 'editing staffs', Lei will be one of them this time. I'm really happy that she accepted this and agreed to work for us but I feel sorry for the person that she'll replace for the mean time. Unfortunately, he needs to take the break because of the death of his family member.

Never mind the negative thoughts for now and just focus on the brighter side. Besides, we can't do anything about that matter. 

I know Lei can do this project. They even saw her wonderful works on her deviant art account, that's why they we're convinced by the others to take her as a replacement. Maybe someday when she finally finishes her uni, she might even work with us in the same company. Just thinking about that makes me really happy that I'm here.

I'll also meet her before the photo shoot. She'll go with me in the hospital to remove this cast. The other lads can't make it and I don't want to bother them so I was planning on going alone. But then Lei offered to come with me when she found out about my plan.

I'm really grateful to have someone like Lei to be my friend. She's caring, understanding, thoughtful and really fun to be with. I don't really understand why she dislikes guys. I want to know her reasons. I want to know where, when and why she feels like that to us. That's also one of the reasons why I'm glad. She doesn’t despise us. Not at all.

That's one thing that makes her special. And I don't think what I'm feeling right now are just for friends. It's something beyond that and I can't explain what exactly. I don't think I fancy her or anything though. It's just so... unexplainable. It's something different, something new and it's really wonderful.

What the heck am I saying? I can't even understand what I'm saying.


Lei would pick me here in my flat in just few minutes more. I can actually go alone but it'll be hard for me to climb and sit on my car for I am still sitting on my wheelchair. I know I shouldn't feel like this but, I enjoy sitting here. Really weird.

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