Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV

I raced down the stairs with Alessia's quiet foot steps trailing behind me.

She brought up our relationship, and I just couldn't talk about all the wrong I've done to her. I made her hurt for so long then I just appear out of nowhere and try to patch up the wounds... It doesn't work that way, and Alessia knows it.

As I reached the kitchen I heard a huff coming from behind me.

"Can you just stop for a second" Alessia sighed grabbing my arm.

"Not here, not now" I stated referring to the fact we were standing in the middle of her kitchen.

"Fine" She pouted walking over to the table.

We all began eating the breakfast Alessia's mom made everyone.

Once we all finished we had a couple minutes to spare before Alessia and I would drop Kayla off at school.

"How about now?" She said pulling me to the door.

"What's there to talk about" I shrugged looking away from her.

"Well I don't know Cameron! I left Cali with no warning, our relationship practically ended without your consent and when I bring it up you don't wanna talk?" She whisper yelled.

"That's not the point Alessia. I just wanted to be able to start fresh with you! I wanted to forget our screwed up past and focus on the present" I huffed looking at her.

"You know I still love you"

"But that's not the point! You still don't trust me. I could see it in your eyes Alessia, you think I'm just going to break your heart all over again. Just give me this one shot" I stated. She needed to know what I wanted her to hear, she needed to be able to trust me again.

"How do you expect me to do that if we can't even solve our old issues Cameron" She shook her head sitting down on the chair in her living room.

"Did you know what it felt like to go on a trip to your girlfriends house to find out that she wasn't even there... Or the fact that she moved. What it felt like for me to call your phone a bunch of times to hear it just go to voicemail. To have to call and ask Nash where my girlfriend was, to only find out she moved back to California. I cried for days Alessia. I didn't know if you were okay and I didn't have anyway of finding out so I gave up. I assumed that meant we were broken up so I moved on, I forgot all about you until Matthew pointed out a gorgeous brunette at Forever 21. I took a closer look and saw that it was you... My heart was beating out of my chest as the feelings just swarmed back into me as if they never left. You're my weakness Alessia!!" I was yelling now, I couldn't contain the feeling of everything I just poured out to her.

I looked into her blue eyes to see them swelling up with tears.

"I didn't mean for the "change" to hurt you as much as it did, I wanted to call but I couldn't work up the nerve" She sniffled looking up at me.

I shook my head as the tears began to swell up into my eyes. I sniffled and looked away from her as fast as I could.

"Can we continue to talk about this after we drop Kayla off?" I asked her.

She nodded and wiped her tears softly.

I studied her every move before engulfing her in a hug.

A little lost (Book 2 of 'Thinking of you a Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier Fanfic')Where stories live. Discover now