Chapter 3

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Alessia's POV

"Alessia" Kayla screeched slapping me in the face.

"Ow what the hell man!" I laughed looking at her.

"You fell asleep at the guys house, then mom called. Then I had to bring you home and here we are, so don't get me in trouble" She rambled.

"Okay don't worry" I said collecting all my stuff from the car.

I opened my phone to see 3 new messages from Cam And a gazillion missed calls from my mom.

Kayla and I quickly walked into the house trying not to make any noise.

"What time is it?" She chuckled looking around our now dark house.

"Like midnight" I whispered.

Kayla started walking up the stairs then stopped to look at me.

"Yes?" I laughed looking at her.

"Can you drive me to school tomorrow?" I nodded. I almost forgot that Kayla is only 17. She still has school unlike me who spends their time watching tv all day.

"Goodnight" I smiled waving her off.

I wasn't in a rush to go to bed. I turned on the living room light and plopped myself down on the couch.

I turned on the tv and pulled out my phone.

-------- ( Text messages )
Cameron - Cammyy 🤓
Alessia - Aless 👅💕

Cammyy 🤓 - Yo bud!!
Cammyy 🤓 - You home yet!?
Cammyy 🤓 - let's go out for lunch tmrw ;)

I chuckled at his messages and decided to respond to him.

Aless 👅💕 - Heyy Cam.
Cammyy 🤓 - Look who's alive!
Aless 👅💕 - Haha listen! Kayla drives like a turtle :( I had no choice.
Cammyy 🤓 - I'm sorry lol. Do you wanna hang tmrw or nahh.
Aless 👅💕 - Yee sure. I'm down, you'll just have to wait for me to get ready and drop Kayla off at school.
Cammyy 🤓 - Oh yea damn, I forgot she was still in school.
Aless 👅💕 - unless you wanna come with me to drop Kayla off? Then we could go out for breakfast??.
Cammyy 🤓 - Sounds good bby. I'll see you tmrw <3.
I smiled down at my phone and didn't respond.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed.

I laid on my bed just thinking about me and Cam. I missed him, I really did I just don't know how to start the relationship off again. It makes it hard for me to think that I might be hurting him. Although it was a risk I had to take, I didn't wanna show Cam that I was completely comfortable with dating him again. I wanted him to fight for me.

(Skipping to next day)

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

I ignored the sound of my alarm clock and continued to sleep.

As if I was going to wake up.


"ALESSSIAAAA" My mother screeched coming into my room.

"Cameron just called" She giggled.

I jumped up and looked at my phone.

Wait. Wait.

I didn't answer my cellphone so he decided to call my house...
That's kinda cute in my books.

A little lost (Book 2 of 'Thinking of you a Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier Fanfic')Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin