Chapter 2

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(Cameron's POV)

"Welcome to the house of the young lads" I shrieked opening the door.

Alessia laughed at me silently and walked straight in, joining Nash, Matthew and Kayla on the couch.

"What took you guys so long?" Nash laughed trying to slap Kayla off my side of the couch.

Alessia looked up at me fast. I ignored her, she knows how I feel about her... Those feelings may never change.

"Nothing" I shrugged sitting on Kayla.

"OUCH!!" She screamed from under me.

"Well you know, If you would've just got up when Nash slapped you... We wouldn't have this problem"

These girls were probably the best thing that's happened in all of our lives.

"You guys are lame" Alessia huffed from behind me.

We all looked up at her in confusion.

"You have two really hot girls in your house and you guys wanna sit around and play footsies!!" She laughed slapping Matthew's arm.

"Damn" Nash started. "When did Aless become fiesty"

I laughed and nudged Nash.

"Scary movie??" I quickly whispered to him.

"Hell yes" He stated grabbing the pile of movies out from under the tv. Matthew caught on and grabbed all the blankets and made a fort on the floor.

Then there I stood still admiring Alessia.

"Jeez can you ever look away" Kayla laughed pushing me away.

"Ha, at you yes. But your sister no" She made a frowny face and pretended to be sad.

No matter what Kayla is still my Ex. Girlfriend, and no matter how hard I try to forget.. It always ends up making things worse for the both of us.

"I see Alessia dyed her hair again" I laughed motioning towards Alessia.

"She got tired of the blue halfway through the summer, it started to fade" She shrugged grabbing a bag of popcorn out of my cupboard.

I helped her grab some snacks.

"Hey, does Hayes still ask about me?" She asked me in a serious tone.

"Not as much anymore, he doesn't like to talk about the girl who broke his heart" I smirked trying to make her feel bad.

She pushed me once again.

"What is with you Parker's!!" I groaned. I've been abused by these girls all day today.

"Don't you miss us" Kayla smiled pinning her hands to her face in a brief attempt to look cute.

"Actually yes I do" I said looking down. "Some a little more then others" I said to myself shaking my head.

"If you're wondering why we left?.." I cut her off mid sentence.

"Does Alessia still feel the same way about me, you know.. After all the bad I've done to her"

"She misses you. The thing with Alessia is, she doesn't know how to show it.. She'll always love you" she shrugged.

I looked at Alessia, who was laughing at Nash.

I never got over her I never understood how.

"YEET YEAH" I heard Alessia screech and a very loud thump.

I looked at Kayla in confusion.

"I think Nash died.." Matthew chuckled trailing off.

I walked into the living room and grabbed a blanket.

"Share" I asked Aless.

She smiled and laid down beside me.

Matthew put in Insidious and we all started watching.

(Skipping to movie)

"WHY THE HELL IS SHE IN THE CLOSET" Nash yelled screaming at Matthew.


"You guys are dumb" Kayla said snuggling into Nash.

"Ooooo" Alessia smirked looking at Kayla. "Snuggle wuggle"

"Shut up, why don't you just make out with Cam already" Kayla chuckled.

I felt my face go hot and the room went quiet. The only sounds heard were the screams from the movie.

The room went silent as we all focused on the movie.

"Dude" Matthew shrieked pointing at me.

"What" I laughed.

"Look at Alessia!" He smiled coming towards me.

Alessia fell asleep and she looked adorable. We all let her sleep and continued to watch the movie until Alessia's phone started to ring.

I picked it up and looked at the contact "Mom 😘😍".

"Kayla" I said carrying out the a.

Kayla quickly looked at me then the phone.

"We have to go" Kayla freaked.

I looked down at Alessia then back to Kayla "Do I wake her up?".

"No don't, I'll drive. I just need you to carry Alessia into the car" Kayla kept glancing at the phone.

"What about your mom?" I quickly said picking Alessia up.

"Don't worry about it. She's probably gonna call my phone and I'll tell her that Alessia got tired and told me to drive. Then when I get home I'll explain it to Aless before my mom can ask questions" She shrugged hugging Matthew and Nash.

We walked outside and prepared Alessia's car.

I put Alessia down in her seat then kissed her forehead. "We do not tell her about the kiss" I smiled down at Alessia.

"Okay Cam, thanks for having us. Text me. No wait.. Text Alessia" Kayla quickly hugged me then she left.

I couldn't help but already miss Alessia. I'm happy I got to see her again, even if that means she's a year older.



How's the book going so far!?

I hope you guys like it!!

- Lexaaa

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