78. Fallen Blood & Twisted Bone

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Tyler leans on the stick as he walks, putting it before his feet and then skipping forward, resting on it. It's almost twice his height, but he doesn't seem to mind, as he grips it with both hands and jumps forward. I could walk in circles around him, he's going so slow. But I stay. He'd be mad if I left him anyways.

I laugh at him as he jumps forward again. "You look like a frog!"

He sticks his tongue out at me. "Leave me and my methods of walking alone, Troye!"

'Ty, we're never going to get to the beach if you keep walking like this - "

"Well, you're never going to...to..."

"To what, Ty?" I laugh and he throws his stick in my general direction, missing entirely. "Hey!" I shout anyways, pushing him to the side a bit.

"Race you to the tree!" He shouts, beginning to run ahead.

"No fair! Tyler!" I run after him, chasing, running, letting the wind hold us back as he sprints ahead of me, using his head start to his full advantage.

"Catch me if you can!" he sings, and I follow him, calling his name, feeling the wind in my eyes and letting the subsequent tears fall.

We reach the tree, breathing hard, gasping for air, but Tyler still manages to speak. "I....Win..."

"You're...more...out of breath - "

"Says...you..." We laugh breathlessly, the relentless desire to win that Tyler's always accepted about himself forgotten in favor of me.

Tyler reaches upwards, catching his breath and swinging onto the lowest branch. "Come on, Troye!"

I stare up at him, seemingly miles above me, hanging in the air, one step ahead. "I don't think - "

"Oh don't be a scaredy-cat!"

"Tyler - "

He didn't listen, reaching up and grabbing the next branch, placing his feet carefully, letting his eyes wander upwards, towards his goal: the top of the tree. He always has to be the best. He pulled himself up, his strength wavering, beads of sweat growing on his forehead with the task of holding himself up in the air, dangling from his arms, feet around my neck, swinging, back and forth until -

He lets go of the branch with a scream, falling, crashing through the air until he hits the ground, his feet twisted and his leg bent wrong.

He's sobbing my name, eyes squeezed shut, "Troye - "

I'm screaming, there's blood and bone mixing with the dirt like a potion of red and black and terror and pain.


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