42. Driving & All These Conversations

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We don't have school the next day, all the students in the dorm climbing into cars and disappearing with a wave of their hands as soon as class ends.

Zoe gives Tyde and I a ride home from school after being completely disgusted by what I told her of some of that things that the kids behind me had done yesterday. She plays One Direction, all of us singing along to "Hey Angel" and dreaming of the eyes of the people we were beginning to fall in love love with, Zoe of Alfie and me of Connor.

It still felt strange to say, that Connor and I maybe liked each other as more than friends, that we maybe loved each other, that maybe - okay definitely - the kisses stolen behind pianos and hidden in the staircases without cameras were the best moments of my day. But it was true, and I could maybe live with that.

Zoe spent the car ride after "Hey Angel" interrogating me about what happened before math class, her endless questions barely being recognized as I stared out of the window. "Zoe, nothing happened, I did not fuck Connor Franta."

"Yet," she muttered.


"Sorry, Sorry!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up and laughing. "You know you want to, though."


"Okay, I'm done, I'm done! And someone's texting you." I glanced down at my phone, the screen blinking and tossing the light around the car.

Connor: hellooooo! having fun on the bus?

I smile down at my phone, bringing Zoe's attention to me, but she only beams as if she knows something that I don't.

Troye: no thank god, zoe gave me and tyde a ride home

Connor: thats good

Connor: tell her hi from me

Troye: she probably says hi back, or will, after shes done interrogating me about what happened between us before math

Connor: lol Noras doing the same thing to me (were giving her a ride since her aunt couldnt pick her up)

Connor: we could always just tell them...

Troye: would you like to?

Connor: id love to tell everyone that I love you, but only if you want to

"Who're you texting?" Zoe asks, turning her eyes from the glowing stoplight to me.

"Connor," I answer just a little too quickly.

"Is Connor the one that you went on a date with?" Tyde interrupts.

"It wasn't a date, but yes."

"You went to the movies and he bought both of you ice cream."

Zoe raises an eyebrow. "Sounds like a date to me."

"It wasn't a date," I insist. And it wasn't. I don't think, anyways.

"That's debatable," Tyde muttered. "Anyways, back to you and Connor. What happened before math?"

I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my phone.

Connor: hello?

Troye: sorry, tyde and zoe being annoying. im back now

Troye: and im willing to tell if you are

Connor: okay :) i gtg now, were at my grandmothers, but talk to you later?

Troye: of course <3

" - at least kissing," Zoe was finishing when I tuned back into their conversation.

"Mhm," Tyde murmured. "Interesting theory but - "

"What are you talking about?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh nothing," Zoe responded sweetly. "Just the many possibilities of what you and Connor could have been doing before math class."

"Oh my God," I groaned, turning to stare at her.

"Oh look, we're here!"

"I hate you."

"Love you too, Tro," she called as we got out of the car. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

unnecessary a/n time: 

1. lol last happy chapter for a bit things start getting intense. and trigger warning in a few chapters, so if you would like to stop reading because self-harm might be triggering, then stop here :)

2. okay "the things that the kids did behind me yesterday" STORYTIME W/ LUNA: i was on the bus home yesterday and these two kids were doing everything but having sex in the seat behind me and i knew they would, they do it almost every fucking day what the fuck, and they always save the seats around them but there was nowhere else to sit and I COULD HEAR THEM MOANIGN and they fucking rubbed the seat and someone asked them to stop and they said no and a) THIS IS FUCKING ILLEGAL IM PRETTY SURE SHES UNDERAGE and b) ON A FUCKING SCHOOL BUS. WHATHOAIN. it was like being that one character that everyone laughs at because they catch the otp having sex in a fanfic and everyone laughs and i wont be reading those again anytime soon that was an awful experience moment of silence for all of those characters. anyways, so that was fun. okay have a nice day!

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