11. Water Park Pizza & Rom Com's Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh... Well I hope he shows up for the audition because I know that he's auditioning for the male soloist position along with a few other guys but there's more girls auditioning for the female soloist than males auditioning for the male soloist." He explained.

I didn't catch a word of half of that.

"Are you gonna audition? For the solo spot I mean?" I asked.

"Nah, no point... I'm not gonna get it anyway... Elliot will get it cause he's always won in the solos category and I've always competed in the duets and groups categories because that's what I'm best at... Solo's aren't really my thing... I hope you're auditioning for the female soloist though..." He told me.

"I was thinking of auditioning but I know who I'll be up against. Paris and some of the other girls who are way better than me. I'm still auditioning but there's no guarantee that I'll get the spot." I answered honestly.

"Well, I think you'll get it whether your solo's better than the others or not..." He said.

"Thanks Sebastian... I really think you should audition though, you'll be great even if you don't get it at least you can say you tried it." I told him.

"Call me Bastian... Sebastian just sounds weird and it's shorter. And yeah I guess but I'll still have to think about it incase I do decide to audition."

"Okay..." Was all I said.

There was a moment of silence between us until Bastian spoke up again.

"Also, I'm sorry for being so mean to you when you first got here. I was just so focused on Paris and then when she kissed me that day that her and Elliot broke up, I knew it was a bad idea to be hanging around her... Then when we got put as partners it made things worse. But I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay everyone do you know why we both called all of you in here at once?" Alex asked as her and Blake entered the room.

"Well, I have the date for your auditions. This Wednesday you will be performing your duets and if you want to audition for the soloist positions then they will be after the duets. So make sure you're prepared because only one duet and one soloist from the male auditions and female auditions will get in."

Right so good thing I was practicing mine this morning.

"And another thing, Blake and I have decided that today we're going to do something fun as a team. We're going to go to the local water park and then come back here and watch movies and eat pizza and popcorn... We thought you might like this considering how hard all of you have been working the last three months."

Wow, I've been here for three months already.

"So, everyone get up and grab your things and let's head out to the water park."

"But Alex, some of us don't have any swimmers because we didn't know about this... Can we go home and grab our stuff then come back?" One girl asked.

"Did any of you get the message I sent to your parents?" Alex asked us all. Everyone pretty much said no so she had to compromise.

"Okay, I tell you what. It's now eight forty five so if you all go home and get changed and grab everything you think you'll need then be back here by around nine thirty okay?"

There were nods and murmurs of people agreeing.

"Well then off you go and see you back here at nine thirty." Blake said.

I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on then walked out of TDA so I could get home and grab my swim stuff. As I was walking out the door, I heard my name get called so I turned around and Sebastian was running towards me.

"Brooklyn wait up."

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to walk with you." He said.

"Right..." I said, dragging out the 'i'.

We began walking and Sebastian got started talking on something about physics and science or whatever and I'm listening but the whole time I was there thinking 'I have no idea what you're talking about but just keep talking and I'll pretend to understand'...

I'm a dancer, not a scientist okay!

"So that's how one day I plan on defying the laws of physics and mixing them with dance." He said, finishing off the conversation.

"Sounds great." I said.

And finally we reached my house! Thank God!

"Well this is me. But I'll see you back at the studio at nine thirty." I said.

"Okay bye Brookie!"

He called me BROOKIE!!!!! Instead of raging out at him, I calmly breathed and glared at him.

"Don't call me that..."

"Sorry not sorry. Bye!" And then he ran off home.

I shook my head and went inside. Mum was in the living room cleaning and when she saw me she was surprised.

"Hey hon, why are you home so early?" She asked.

"Alex and Blake are giving us a day off from dance and we're all going to the water park then coming back to the studio and watching movies and eating pizza and popcorn." I told her.

"Pizza? I heard pizza?!" Damon said, running into the living room interrupting our conversation.

"Yes. I get pizza and popcorn and I get to go to the water park." I told him.

"Lucky..." Damon whined.

For a 24 year old who still lives with his parents, he still acts like a twelve year old.

"Well have fun... And I know you're still grounded but seeing as this is for dance I'm letting you go out just this once." She said.

"Thanks mum."

I ran upstairs to my room and got changed out of my leotard and tights. I found my purple and black bikini and put that on under my favourite playsuit. Then I grabbed a towel and some sun cream. I put them in a random bag along with some deodorant, a change of clothes in case I needed them and then zipped it up and put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and headed downstairs.

Just as I walked out of my room, my phone started ringing. I went to answer it but when I saw who it was, I paused and just stood there looking at it.

He was calling me...

A/N- cliffhanger again... Sorreeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy😂 (but it's really crappy)

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