They Are The Monsters

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They've figured it out, how to beat us. They made a new Commander at every battle. It was a magic they created. By casting the spell on one of their own they could issue commands to Reapers. In the middle of battles they would call out a command and all Reapers there would have to follow. Even Commander Alec could not overwrite the command. The enemy had the advantage. Reapers became unusable. Killed in battle easily, many forced to kill themselves. Alphonse saved me, commanded me away before Alec could get to me. No one found me and I could not leave. A part of me wanted to, to run from there and let them kill me. But they found me and did not kill me. We all thought the war would be over. Reapers would be destroyed. We were wrong. They used us just as Alec did. Bullet and I the last Reapers left were commanded to find our old commanders who had run away and kill them. I had thought we would finally be free. Free to die. But no. I am and always will be be a somebody's weapon.


We traveled for a long time, searching for our seven commanders. No one came with us, we were alone. Just Bullet and I. We've found three of them so far. Each of them cried and begged for us to let them live. As if we could. Even if we had wanted to, we had to follow the commands. Funny how many people had begged just as they did. We couldn't save them either

"I've found Commander Lavy" Bullet said to me through the phone. "I'm going to go get her"

"Wait Bullet don't go alone" I said back "Wait for me"

"Don't worry so Ink" She said "I'll be fine" Her side disconnected and I panic. I know where Bullet was but I don't know if I'll find Lavy too. I shake my head and run. We haven't gone alone against any of them. They might be just people but each of them are trained soldiers. I know why she went alone too. Lavy was her owner. What I don't know is if she wants revenge or to say goodbye. I pick up my pace and reach the spot Bullet was in. I pause and look around searching for signs of Lavy or Bullet. I hear the sound of a gun go off instead. The smell of smoke fills the air and I run after the noise. Bullet doesn't make a smell when she uses her magic. I find them in the square of an abandoned town. Bullet is bleeding heavily from her leg and arm but Lavy was unharmed. She held a pistol up and at Bullet and she was breathing heavily

"I don't want to do this" She whispered her hand shaking "I don't want to hurt you Nikes, you know that Nikes. But you'll kill me. You will and I have to keep living. I can't die. Not anymore"

"Stop talking Lavy" Bullet said holding a hand over her arm

"You know what we did Bullet" She said her eyes wide and manic "Do you know what we did to them? Once Prof. Jones found out you guys didn't age she needed to find out why. It's your magic, the blood in your marks. So you know what she did? She took it out of a Magic-User who had undergone the Reaper treatment and failed and took the blood out from the marks. The magic user died without the magic but it didn't matter. They aren't important. She put it in us and boom no more aging. I'm immortal just like you! I can't die" She giggled and then laughed out loud.

"So you have to die, Nikes" She said pointing her gun up "Goodbye" Again I am not fast enough. The bullet reaches Bullet before I do, burying itself into her skull. She is dead by the time I get there.

"Oh look Ink you're here too" Lavy said shaking all over, grinning at me "That means you have to die. You the reason I am not old. Thank you for giving me the key for living forever" She goes to fire but I pull Bullet's blood up and make a shield

"The only dying is you Lavy" I said shooting it forward, piercing her in the chest. She falls and screams. She heaves in air but it won't help, her lungs have been pierced. I walk over knife in hand

"Sorry, I meant for that to be more humane" I whispered plunging the knife into her eye. She dies quickly and her one eye changes to red. Red markings circle around her eyes as well. Just as the ones before she gains the marks of those she killed. I walk over to Bullet

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