We Are Not The Monsters

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"Ink this new power of yours, can you control it?" Alphonse asked me as we walked towards the command center

"For the most part" I responded "Does it matter, whatever you command I will do. My magic responds to you as well"

"I see" He said not looking at me "Well I suppose that's what's important. By the way I have no clue why we are here. I was given no orders but to come"

"Understood" I said "I would say it is likely they are going to test me to see if I am still obedient. They wouldn't want another Gold incident happening"

"You're probably right so prepare yourself for what they might do" He turned to look at me from the corner of his eyes. He looked tired

"Alphonse" I said as we stood outside the door "You should get more sleep"

"I can't sleep when you're around" He joked as he knocked

"Then maybe you shouldn't be around me" I whispered under my breath as the door opened. We stepped inside and were met with the main commanders. Luka sat among them and I felt stomach churn as I walked his eyes change from blue to grey. So he was like them now. I shaked my head slightly and turned to Commander Alec

"Welcome Alphonse. Ink." He said smiling down at us "At ease" Alphonse visibly shifts at his words and I let my hands fall back and my stance widens.

"I feel as though you know why you are here" He spoke staring down at us. "We need to make sure you are still with us Ink. We are worried that Gold's influence has passed onto you. We have already tested Bullet and if you wish to know she is fine. Are you ready for your commands?" No I think to myself I am not ready for what horrible things you are going to make me do

"Yes Sir" I said instead

"Good. Each commander will give you a command that you must follow. If you fail to follow any of them you will be killed on the spot. Understood?"

"Yes sir" I replied

"Alphonse we won't be needed you. If you wish to stay you can" Alec said looking to my owner. He looks to me and then shrugs

"Just let me know if I'll be needing a new job" He said walking past me with a wink

"Begin!" Alec called and the five commanders beside him stand.

"Ink I command you to write into your skin with you blade, Reaper" He said looking down at me. I reach for my knife and carefully carve into my arm the word. My blood falls but I control it pulling it back into my body. I do not let the wound heal as I was not commanded too

"Good. Next Lavy" He turned to the once Captain now Commander

"Ink I command you to make your blood magic dance around us" She said. I close my eyes and pull the blood from my wound out and carefully push it around the room. It danced the black and red flowing together forming a small deer that jumped and danced around. I had it bow to Lavy and pulled it back to me. It flowed back inside my body and I opened my eyes.

"Beautiful" She mummered before blushing "Maverick" She called turning to the man beside her

"Right, I command you to tell us of your life before you were a Reaper" He said and I frowned but opened my mouth

"When I was very young my marks appeared and I was left on the streets by my parents. A man took me in and cared for me until he could no longer. I left and traveled trying to find a home. I came to the town of Silvern when I was 10 and there I met two important people who became my family. For four years we were happy and then the war started. Two years in I gave myself in order to save my family from being taken. I was taken to the labs were I would spend two years become a Reaper" I spoke quickly but clearly. The memories were fading but I wrote everything I could down these days

"Interesting. Erick" He turned to the man next to him

"I command you to break all the bones in my hand" He said offering his hand. The others shake their heads as I walked over. I grabbed his hand and quickly broke and broke. His cried were quiet and when I was done he held his hand close

"Good job" He whispered as a healer came to him and magic filled the air

"I will go next" A women said turning to me "Ink I wish for you to show us how many wounds you can make on your own body in 2 minutes"
"Understood" I said readying my knife

"Go!" She commands and go I do. Cut after cut covering my thighs, arms, hands, stomach, everywhere. Blood covers the floor and my body shakes. My uniform is ripped and stained. I will need a new one. I fall to my knees as she calls time up.

"How many did you make?" She asked

"Two hundred and sixty eight" I responded from the ground

"Heal her" she said to the healer. She moves forward but I shake my head

"One second" I whispered pulling my blood toward me. It fills my body and then I nod. She moves over me and I feel her magic close my wounds. I sigh and make myself stand. She goes to help me but Alec shoos her away.

"Weapons don't need help standing, do they Ink"

"No sir" I responded "I can stand alone"

"Good, continue" He gestured to the one. Luka. He looks down on me his eyes cruel and I shiver.

"Bring him in" He said to the guards. They nod and drag someone into the room. A young man his eyes hollow. A war prisoner

"Kill him. Painfully" He said his voice full of hatred. I sigh and cut my wrists open.

"I'm sorry" I mouth to the boy and he whispered to me in his language

"You are going to kill me, aren't you" He said "Because they commanded you to" I nod and sigh. He smiled at me tears running down his voice

"I will be with my family" He said to me

"I hope you will be happy" I whisper back to him and his eyes widen and then he shuts them tightly. I lunge forward and sink my blade into his arms ripping them clean off. His screams fill the room as I push my blood inside his body. It moves quickly spiking and breaking his insides. He yells and howls as I kill him from the inside out. I move the magic into his skull and his cries become wails as I push and push until my magic and blood pours out of his eyes. He falls forward, dead. I turn to them covered into his blood and my own. I walk forward and bow, not a word spoken. I can hear some of them wrenching and vomiting.

"You have proven yourself" Alec said smiling still "Go back to your owner and keep fighting for your people"

Oh you are so mistaken Alec. I thought to myself. I stopped fighting for people a long time ago. Now I fight for the monsters you've become. The monsters you've made my friend into. We are not fighting for our home, we are fighting for your power. And you have no idea how much I hate you for it.


I did fight. For so long I thought I would never stop. Years past and people grew old. The war went on for so long that it became known as the Long War. I think it spanned almost sixty years. In those years millions if not billions of people died. Many of them by my hand. We all thought it would never end. However the war did end. And we were not the victors. Thank the heavens we weren't.


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