A Weapon Born

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"So this is the new weapon you've been going on about Prof. Jones?" A woman asked as she stared me down. She was obviously someone from the military given her clothing and style of talk.

"Yes Ma'am" Jones replied from behind me "The Reaper Weapon"

"Reaper?" She said circling me "As in the Reaper Project?"

"Exactly! She is our first success. Now that we know what works we can make more of them. Of course they have to be specially picked but still"

"How long did it take you to make this one?"

"Just under two years"

"The next one better take less time" She said stiffly

"Of course!" Jones said hurriedly "We have another one that will be ready soon and one that's about to be started"

"Good." She stopped in front of me "Can I test it?"

"But of course Captain! Be my guest" Jones said smiling widely. The woman nods and stares at me

"Who do you follow?" She asked

"The Commander" I replied quickly and formally

"Will you follow my commands?"


"Bow" I follow quickly bowing low to her.

"Kneel" I follow that too falling to the ground. She smirked and turned to Jones

"So it will follow anything I say?"

"Yes that is the idea."

"Will it follow anything anyone says?"

"No not anyone classified as the enemy. And the Commander has absolute power of it. His commands overrule everyone's.

"I see" The women said thoughtfully "And you've trained it to fight?"

"Indeed. It has the best training we could put it through. This one also has a magic known as blood magic, which is deadly. It can only come to those with a mass amount of blood thirst or have suffered a high amount of pain. We assume it gained it was in the labs. Sadly it has lost the starlight magic it use to have."

"So it will be useful in battle?"

"Of course. That is it's point. It's whole point of being is to fight for us"

"Perfect" The women smiled "Reaper! Come with me. You're going to meet the Commander" I stand as she walks off and follow her closely

"You are going to be very valuable to us" She said as we walked "I'm sure the Commander will be pleased that the experiments paid off, Professor"

"I hope so" Jones said

"Yes he was about to end the Reaper Project. After three years of nothing he didn't have high hopes for you. You are very lucky this one came out"

"Indeed" Jones said her head down "Ink is the breakthrough."


"It's the name we gave it when it arrived. I wonder if it remembers its actually name?" Jones said thoughtfully.

"Hm that's not important, though I suppose if we have more than one they will need something to tell the difference. Ink will work"

"Very well Ma'am" Jones said looking at me carefully. I bow my head slightly to her and she rolls her eyes

"It doesn't have much identity left, does it?" The women said watching me too

"I doubt there was much to begin with" Jones replied.

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