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They didn't take me to the military base. Or maybe they did but deep underneath it. Deep down in the dark they took me into a cage. A room with no doors that opened for me and there I stayed. For years I think. I don't remember a lot from that time. All I could really remember was pain. Just pain. So much pain



"Where am I?!" I yelled banging on the wall where the door had been. My throat hurt. I had been yelling for so long "Tell me where I am!"

"Calm down Ink" A voice came from above me. It echoed around the empty room and had no emotion attached

"My name isn't Ink" I said glaring at the ceiling

"Your name isn't important to us. All we need to know if your magic. Ink" It said detachedly "Now you need to calm down or you'll never leave this place" I shivered at the words

"Why am I here?" I asked "Shouldn't I be training to fight?"

"Oh you will be" It said "Once you're ready. And once we are done with you"

"What are you going to do to me!" I yelled but the voice was gone. Well it was probably still listening but it didn't answer me. I looked around the cell they had locked me in. It was white and clinical with no light switch. A bed stood in the corner with a box at the end of it. I walked over and opened it. Inside were identical sets of gray pants and shirts. There was underwear but no shoes. I close it back up and sit on the bed. Across from it was a sink and a toilet which had a curtain around it. I think there was a shower head there too. Other than that the room was empty. They had taken everything from me and I only just managed to keep my necklace after they saw it wasn't a weapon.

"How long are you going to keep me in here?" I asked to the empty room. There was no response


I lost track of time. The lights never went out and I was to far from the stars to tell when they were out. I never saw anyone either. My meals were pushed through the door when I wasn't looking. Every now and again the shower would turn on and I could wash. I felt like an animal kept in a cage. I didn't know what they wanted from me. Now I know they were deciding what experiment to use me for. If I had acted more crazed they won't have put me there. If I had just reacted to anything. Stars I was so stupid thinking if I cooperated they'd let me go.



"Come with us Ink" They said opening the door. Two people stood there dressed all in white their faces covered with masks. I couldn't even tell if they were male or female. Their voices were mechanical and cold.

"Where are we going?" I asked my voice rough from lack of talking. I gave up trying to get the voice to talk to me and I was never one to talk to myself

"That isn't important." They said and I just nodded letting them lead me out of the white room. I looked as we walked but there were only doors no windows. Behind those doors were there people just like me? Slowly going insane? The answer was probably yes. They led me away from that hallway and into another room. In this room there was a table and two other people. These two wore doctors coats and smiled when they saw me.

"Thank you for bringing her" The women said to the people holding me "She is perfect for this"

"Try not to kill her to quickly" They responded "We will not have a replacement for a while"

"We'll try to be careful" The man said moving forward "Please attach her to the table"

"What?" I said suddenly reacting to their words. What do they mean try not to kill me? "What are you doing?"

The Long War: Creation Of A GodWhere stories live. Discover now