New Uses

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The war went on and so the Commander changed tactics. He said moral is what we need to brake. Killing the soldiers wasn't enough we needed to do something else. I wasn't even surprised when the commands came. I mean what would brake moral more?



"We have orders from the Commander" Alphonse said to me in the morning as I was eating "We are to go over the border and" He paused

"And?" I asked

"And go to the town Metwen and kill all the townspeople" He said quickly


"Just understood? Aren't you going to you know gasp or something?" He huffed "You could at least pretend you're shocked"

"I am sorry let me try again" I said "Oh no we are going to kill townsfolk? Whatever shall I do" My voice was monotone and Alphonse rolled his eyes

"I hate you" He said

"Indeed" He shakes his head and sits down

"Bullet will be coming with us" He said


"One day you'll stop saying that" He said pointing his finger at me


"You're impossible" He sighed "We leave in an hour, gotta it?

"Understood" He sighed even louder and walked off. He has been my owner for a long time now and over time he soften up a bit to me. He'd say we were war buddies and nothing more. I'd say he was my owner. I sighed and rose from my seat. I had to go pack.


Sneaking in was surprisingly easy. Well for me, Alphonse kept complaining about the mud. It would take us a day to get there and the commanders wants us to leave quickly so Bullet and I will go at night when we arrive. Captain Lavy is with us as she is still the owner of Bullet. We move quickly and quietly through the countryside before arriving at Metwen. It wasn't small to say the least.

"The commanders wants this to be bloody" Lavy said smiling cruelly "To show of your power. Like your first mission Ink. Make sure it's messy" Bullet rolls her eyes at her and shrugs. She is a tall powerfully women with silver marks in rings going down her right arm. Her hair is brown and buzzed cut and her eyes are silver too. She is younger than me technically but her body froze at an older age. I remember hearing her sob when we were in the lab.

"Very well" She said nodding to her owner "Let's go Ink" I nod and grab my knifes. Bullet picked up her own weapons and we left

"I'll take left, you take right?" She asked as we ran

"Sounds like a plan" I replied

"I am not looking forward to this" She said to me "I hate killing kids"

"It will be unpleasant" I said back "I wish she hadn't asked for it to be messy"

"Yeah well Lavy isn't nice" She replied "We are coming up to the town. Happy hunting" Her voice was sarcastic as she ran off. I shake my head and run into the town. Pulling my blades out I kill everyone in the street. The sounds of screams and the smell of blood was in the air. Red painted the floor and my blades. Women, men, and children were all slaughtered by me. Soon the streets were empty and so I made my way through house and home. Screams echoed and crying filled the town. I never felt like such a monster as that night. No one fought back everyone just died. Nothing left of them. By the time dawn rose only Bullet and I remained in the town. Over 10000 people dead in a night. Because of two weapons. We climb back up both covered in blood and gore. When Alphonse saw us he threw up. When Lavy saw us she told us that we should have been faster. We changed clothes and headed back. That night on the news what happened was broadcasted. It was then that I started to realise that we were the bad guys. We were the ones everyone was fighting. We were the monsters

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