Markings and Goodbyes

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It all started the night the marks arrived. I'll never forget the look on their faces when they looked down on their daughter. Barely two years old the child smiled up at them unaware of the change. Not noticing or maybe not caring about the mark that rested just over her heart. When her father reached for her, she giggled and lifted her arms. His eyes were cold as he looked down at his child. She still smiled though and tried to move closer to him. He looked at his wife and nodded before walking away. The women followed her hands clutched close as her husband walked away. She only stopped when a small hand grabbed her pants. Her other children, two boys age five and seven, were below her. She sunk down and whispers something to the older boys ear and he nodded. He grabbed his younger brother's hand and pulled him away. She sighed and stood shaking her head and walked out the front door. Her husband was outside with their daughter.

The man waited in their car and once she got in they went off. The child sat in the back in her car seat but without the buckles. As the car turned she did too. Her mother gasped as her daughter almost fell but then turned her head, never once moving to help. Amazing how quickly they turn. You'd think they were the monsters, not her. They drove for a long time until they came into city lights. Far too soon, they arrived into an alleyway where no one looked. They climbed out taking the child with them. They put a box down and placed her inside. The child looked up at them as they argued whether to leave a blanket with her. Eventually, her father won and placed the blanket on the child. Her eyes were wide as they climbed back into the car and she sobbed, tears dripping down her face. She cried and screamed as they drove away.

It was probably a good thing she did otherwise she might have frozen that night. The noise brought someone to her and they carried her away as she cried.

The rest of this story is not mine to tell. It is hers and you should be seeing what she is feeling not what I am. So listen and try to understand why it started that night. When her parents stopped looking at her with love and started looking at her with fear.


I don't remember my parents. Noax used to say he found me in an alley alone one day. He liked to pretend that they left me because they couldn't take care of me but I knew better. It was because of my marks. I mean, even Noax made me hide them. Noax said it was the magic that came with them that scared people. I hoped that was true at the time but I know now it's not. My magic wasn't scary then though. It was just Ink-magic. I mean it had to be, it only took me a year to learn to read and write. Noax said most six year olds don't read in the adult section of the library so he used to get books for me. He didn't want me going near Max either. Said he can smell magic. I tried not to think about it then. I wish I had or I wouldn't be alone now.



It was a warm day when it happened. The birds sang and the wind was nice. Noax had brought me with him, and we were going to see Max. He looked nervous now that I think back. But back then I was just happy to be outside. It didn't matter that I had to wear bandages to cover the mark on my chest that had grown since the night it arrived. I thought today would be a good day. It had to be. I couldn't have been more wrong.



"Hurry up brat," Noax called from ahead of me. He strolled down the high street and people moved to get out of his way. I suppose he was huge "Don't want to make Max wait!" I nod and smile running up to him. He reaches out and grabs my hand. I giggle rocking our hands together. We walk for a while before I get an idea. I tug at his slightly and look up at his brown eyes

"Carry me, Noax?" I asked smiling sweetly.

"Aren't you too old for that now?" He replied shaking his head.

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