1.) ...Like a little warm and bright light in the dark and cold night

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Hey guys! This is the first chappy and it is unedited so please, think again before you comment like little grammar nazis. Yeah I know there are some of you out there.:)

Before I let you guys dive in I want to thank foreverpurple1000  (Sabrina Mar) for being an amazing supporter, teacher, writer, and a special friend. Three years ago, she was the first author I discovered on wattpad and I was instantly hooked on all of her works. I would never have had the guts to write if it wasn't for her amazing stories! I really hope she reads this and knows that I am just one of her many fans she has impacted. Thank you Sabrina and I will forever cherish your books! Please do check her and her works out, she is such a sweetheart!

I am really excited for this short story and I just have that feeling that it is going to be epic! Hope you enjoy! xoxo, Nicole

Chapter One: ...Like a little warm and bright light in the dark and cold night

( POV-Clarity Evers)

Why can't it be summer again?
The sunny clear blue skies, ice cream, hot summer nights, and a time of vacation when one can actually do something without having to look like an Eskimo in the process.

Why this hell?

Icicles on roofs, cheesy Christmas music blaring everywhere I go, and the piles of snow that stubbornly sits on my parking space just to annoy me.

I mean if all the snow could morph into multiple Olafs then that would be a different story. I would freaking love snow! But no it just sits there like a lump.
Here is the funny part.
It's the second week of November. 

Just great.

Next thing you know there will be Valentine's Day in January. I mean really?

Turn on the radio, Christmas music
Go to the store, Christmas decorations
Go online, Christmas ads and sales..

Can I at least enjoy thanksgiving first?
Let's at least get past the turkey stuffing and saying thanks before we move on to the big fat guy with a an unusually white beard.
It seems as if Christmas is of paramount importance

...before thanksgiving.

Give me a break, society is the reason why we all move so fast in our lives, why we are always moving from one holiday to another even before one has even happened.
Why we are buying Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving?

Why this strong desire of hatred towards the ridiculousness of Christmas in November you ask?


My taxi driver is blaring what kind of music? Take a guess...

Take. A. Lucky. Guess.

Christmas music?
Good answer. Good answer.

And he's the most grumpy old guy ever. Jolly Christmas music and  this gruff old guy just don't add up.

I glare at the driver hunched in his seat in front of me and make ridiculously silly faces just to amuse myself.

I huff and I turn my head getting engrossed on the little droplets of melted snow as they race down my window. I smile imagining a speedy race going on and I'm rooting for Lefty.

He seems cooler. I like him.
I lean my head on the cool glass and sigh retiring from my weird droplet imagination and gaze at the New York city lights as the vehicle whizzes past them.

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