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{This one is Roger and a girl he met at a bar}


Roger: Hi
(555) 123 4567: Hi! Is this Roger?
Roger: Yeah
(555) 123 4567: Thanks for buying me that drink last night at the club
Roger: No prob
(555) 123 4567: So
Roger: So
(555) 123 4567: Haha so what's up
Roger: Nothing much
(555) 123 4567: Oh
(555) 123 4567: I'm just hanging out with my dog
Roger: Cool
(555) 123 4567: Ya his name is Turtle
(555) 123 4567: He's a dachshund
Roger: Nice
(555) 123 4567: So do you have any pets
Roger: Ya
(555) 123 4567: Um... What kind of pet is it?
Roger: Goldfish
(555) 123 4567: Oh cute. What's his name?
Roger: Goldfish
(555) 123 4567: Oh
(555) 123 4567: So do you wanna go out to the bar again with me tonight?
Roger: Sure
(555) 123 4567: Great! I'll see you at 8 then?
Roger: Sure
(555) 123 4567: Ok! See you then! Bye, Roger!
Roger: Bye Sandra
(555) 123 4567: SANDRA?!?!
(555) 123 4567: MY NAME IS PAMELA!!!!
Roger: Oops
Roger: Sorry
Roger: So we still on for the bar
Roger: Hello
Roger: Sandra
Roger: Oh sorry
Roger: Pamela you there

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