*SPECIAL* Let Us Celebrate

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1.3K of seasonal nonsense! I am so proud of myself for updating, but also terribly sorry, for neglecting it :/ This is likely pt 1 out of 3 in the christmas updates, with the actual Battle of Baristaship and a christmas card exchange episode after that =) They will also be likely named:

pt 1: Let Us Celebrate

pt 2: Lettuce Celebrate

pt 3: Letters Celebrate

Well look at that XD Enjoy!

"It's almost Christmas, Luhannie, don't you realise?" Sehun crows in delight, stacking upturned coffee cups in a vaguely pyramidal shape.

"Yeah I know."

For once, Luhan is the one slumped over the table, face in hands. "He's been reminding me since Halloween," he explains in a muffled, despairing tone.

"Isn't it so exciting?" Sehun places the 4th teacup. "And look at the marvellous progress of my teacup Christmas tree!"

Xiumin glances at him as he hands Lay a bauble. Jongdae loops a finger into the elastic strap over Lay's shoulder and gleefully pulls it up, lets go and watches with satisfaction as the strap snaps back in place. He justifies it as revenge for forcing them into these ridiculous Santa outfits just because it was a source of amusement.

Lay jumps and scowls. He chucks the bauble with astonishing accuracy at Jongdae, who shrieks and darts away.

"Watch it! You've broken 2 already!"

"Good morning dearies! Merry, merry Christmas!" an elderly woman hobbles in.

Sehun drops the cup in his hand in surprise. Luhan squeaks and shoots up as it smashes by his feet.

Jongdae winces and hurries up to her. "Merry Christmas grandmother," he mutters meekly.

At the word grandmother Sehun flails backwards in an attempt to hide and bring Luhan down with him. He swings an arm out at him and manages to catch the bottom left cup in the stack.

It collapses impressively, spraying billions of porcelain shards in every which way, and Lay would've given it a 8/10 if it didn't mean docking money off their weekly wages.

Tao moans in pathetic misery and buries his head into his arms.

"You've kept the shop quite well, grandson," halmeoni remarks, unfazed.

"Thank you..."

Xiumin pops out from the kitchen, pretending not to have noticed the commotion. "Oh halmeoni, merry Christmas! Jongdae didn't tell us you were coming, so I didn't get a gift," he murmurs humbly.

Halmeoni waves at him good-naturedly. "Well dear Jongdae didn't know either. It was a surprise visit."

Jongdae winces again. Speaking of last year's visit...

"Hello darlings. So good to see you!"

The café stumbled to greet her. "Madam," they chorused and bowed obediently.

She grinned and patted them on the back. "Yes, yes. No need to be so formal, this is a party, is it not? You can call me halmeoni- Jongdae, a peppermint tea please."

Tao, Lay and Xiumin waited for an objection about the lack of coffee in that beverage, but there was none. They gaped at Jongdae, who had retreated to the counter and was bent over a teacup in concentration.

They continued gaping as Jongdae returned with the steaming cup of peppermint tea. Halmeoni took it graciously and sipped languidly, only pausing to murmur an "Acceptable".

one more coffee pleaseWhere stories live. Discover now