#54: Let's call it the War

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We kept staring at each other intimately without neither of us taking any step further. I don't know, it .. most likely we just needed the right moment.

"You know, I'm cold," Jason rubbed his arms and peeked at me. "Aren't you cold?" He pointed at my thin hoody.

I pouted. "Should I be?"

He laughed. "I guess not then. But I'd rather we went inside,"

To stay and admire fantastic lake alone at night or follow love of your life inside? Yeah, sure, everyone'd choose the first one.

He stretched out his hand and, once again, I glared at it with surprise.

Apollo Bay really has changed him. "Anybody can be good in the country. There are no temptations there." Nonetheless, I knew it could be because Zack wasn't there. When Zack was missing, he was always different. Always more .. human.

"Thanks," I said sincerely and smiled with a hope he'd see that in the dark.

In response, I saw his bright teeth flashing, so it was likely he saw.

As we were gone, everyone had fallen asleep. Seriously, that is weird. I was thinking they were gonna party till the dawn or something. It was only two AM and the surroundings were already silent.

"Come, I wanna show you something," Jason murmured.

My eyes flitted quickly at my hand that was now in Jason's tight grip.

What the..?

He ignored my irresolution - that's if he even noticed - and guided me behind himself to Alasia's brother room. Strangely, no one was sleeping there.

Jason sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to him.

I raised my brow with surprise, but he was busy with the IPad, which he'd taken from the table.

I pulled on leg under me and wondered, what he searched in the tablet.

"You serious?" I asked, half-disappointed, pushing down the wish to roll my eyes.

There was "League of Legends", shortly LOL, on the screen - the game our boys had been always playing and discussing lately. For real, by then I'd heard about it from everywhere.

"Look, it's awesome,"

Something human-like in the armor and with the sword slayed some monsters and moved further. Jason moved the IPad and the creature - the chances are, it was most probably a human  - changed its direction.

I tilted my head to show my "interest".

Actually, I liked computer games. For really, I did. I remember time when I was smaller, I had a bunch of different was games, which I always played. Seriously - they're so awesome! My personal favourite was "Warcraft II". I was some kind of a tomboyI loved climbing on the trees and play boys games: guns, bows, police, etc. C'mon, just just Barbies are not enough, admit it!

But why I didn't show any enthusiasm at the moment was probably 'cause I hadn't faced the game before and couldn't figure out what to do. Look, guys have that kind of thing that when they're way into the game, it's really hard to get them back in the real world. Besides, if they're really busy in there, they are not eager to bother themselves with an explanation, so you gotta figure it out all by yourself. And how could I do that if IPad was in Jason's hands?

Speaking of the devil. I was lost in my thoughts, however, I felt young man's eyes on me and after a moment he'd turned off the IPad and put it aside.

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