1. Good News? Nah, Bad News.

Start from the beginning

"Alright mate, be careful," Louis responded. Zayn nodded and walked away, car keys in hand. "C'mon we're going to Starbucks."

"We?" Louis asked as I started walking.

"Yes, we. Or just me if you don't catch up." I chuckle.

"Wait, wait! I'm coming!"

"So what are you getting?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm not eating anything. I forgot my wallet."

"Is that so? If that's the case, I'll pay."


"Louis," I interrupt. Louis reluctantly asks for two crossiants and a blueberry muffin with an iced vanilla latte. I order two slices of lemon meringue cheesecake, three Nutella cookies, and an iced green tea latte for myself. Then we step to the side and wait for our name to be called.

"Hey Louis?"

"Yeah Harry?"

"What do you call a fish with no eyes?"

"Harry, not again-"

"A fsh." Louis shook his head, biting his lip to suppress his smile.

"Harris?" I nod, taking our items. "You and your boyfriend are a really cute couple."

"Thank you," I said, smiling at her. I glanced at Louis, whose face was red. "C'mon babe, let's go find a seat."

We ate almost as soon as we sat down, the "boyfriend" thing apparently passing us. No one gave us a second look, which was a good thing. As soon as we finished, we started talking about...well, anything really. And while we were talking, I noticed a guy staring at us, a camera in hand. Uh oh, it's one of them.

"Louis," I interrupted him mid-sentence. "We gotta go, now."

"Why...oh." We quickly slid out of the booth and left.
We got back to the hospital without being caught, or at least I don't think we did. That was a close one. We slowly made our way back to Niall and Liam's room. As we stopped at the door, Louis turned to me.

"Oh, um, thanks for paying for me," Louis stuttered, looking at the ground. A surge of temporary confidence ran through my body as I extended my hand to tilt his face upwards. I blushed as my green eyes his blue. "It was nice to not eat the cafeteria's food for once."

"You're welcome," I managed to say, smiling. The other brunet softly smiled back, a blush appearing on his face as well. He suddenly took my hand that was under his chin and intertwined it with his. A surprise gasp escaped my lips. What is this boy doing to me?! He chuckled at my reaction.

"Oh lovebirds!" Zayn cooed teasingly, interrupting the moment. "I think we can go back in."

We blushed as we moved away from each other and walked into the hospital room. Damn you Malik. Jayz stood there when we entered, a frown evident on his face.

"Doctor Jayz?" Louis questioned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry boys, but I'm afraid the deadline is coming soon?"


"Yes, deadline. When Mr. Payne and Mr. Horan entered the hospital, we gave them thirty days to wake up."

"And it's the twenty third day..." Zayn trailed off.

"Doctor Jayz, I thought family chose when to pull the plug."

"That's for patients under eighteen."

"But Doctor-"

"No buts. At three o'clock on May 24th, we're pulling the plug." At the moment, all my calmness, balance, and heart dropped.

10,080 minutes.

168 hours.

7 days.

1 week.

That's all the time they had left before...

I shook my head. This can't be happening. This can't be how it ends. This isn't real, right? I look at Zayn and Louis. Zayn was glaring at the ground, Louis stared at me, tears forming in his eyes. No.

As soon as the first tear escaped, I ran. I don't know where I was running to, I needed to get away, just for a while.


Two months...I know. I finally update and I only give you this. I've been super duper busy these past few months and I'm sorry!!! I'll try to update more, promise!!!

So what'd you think of this chapter? Like, Comment, and Share!

QOTD: What do you think of Niall's snapchat?

I love his snapchat, he's so adorable! All of 1D need a snapchat tbh.

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