2. Sudden Change Of Heart

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This chapter's gonna be short since Niall and Liam don't interact at all. This will be the last Niall POV for the rest of 2012. By the way, NOBODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN!

London, England
23 Days Remaining

"You've never seen it look so easy."

-Harry Styles (Drag Me Down)


Niall's POV

"I'm home!" I exclaimed as I walked into the house. No reply. That means I have the whole place to myself! I pull out my phone and call Lunas, Ashton, Luke and Calum over because the women will most likely be out until late.

After I set the bowls of popcorn, crisps, and chocolate candies on the table, I heard a knock at the door.

"What's up leprechaun?!" I heard Ashton exclaim as he walked inside once I opened the door. Luke and Calum snicker and follow him. I see Luke hasn't changed his hair color.

"So I assume you've met Luke?" I question. Calum nods.

"Yeah," He responded. "Turns out I work at the same place as this dude. But Ash and I haven't met this Lunas guy yet."

"Okay, so now that's outta the way, everything is set upstairs. I'll wait downstairs for Lunas."

"Do you like him, like boyfriend like?" What?! Well, he's cute, but I'm not really attracted to him like I am to Liam. I thought I liked him at first, but now that I've been hanging out with Liam, it proves that I don't. I wanna  keep my relationship only friendly with Lunas and not romantic. I shook my head. "You sure?"

"Yep, I'm pretty sure," I replied. "Now go upstairs and eat the snacks!"

The boys wasted no time in rushing up the stairs and into my room. I chuckled quietly. What a bunch of teenage boys.

"I know right?" I heard a familiar voice agree behind me. My body goes into panic mode as I let out a very manly squeal. I hear the voice laugh. "It's just me Niall."

"Lunas!" I turn around and hit his arm. "You idiot! You can't sneak up on people like that!" He put his hands up in defense.

"Why not?"

"What if I was a professional wrestler who would pin you to the ground in seconds?" I questioned.

"But you're not."

"Whatever," I mutter, closing the door and guiding him to my room. The three boys were sprawled across my bed, laughing loudly. I cleared my throat and they diverted their attention to us.

"Lads, this is my new mate, Lunas," I introduced. "Lunas, the dirty blond is Ashton and the asian looking one is Calum. You already know Luke."

"Hey Lunas," The lads chorused.

"Now that everyone knows each other, what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Let's start off with those dates with Liam," Calum teased. Ash and Luke made kissy faces while Lunas gave me a cold stare. Weird.

"Guys..." I mumbled blushing. The boys cooed and continued to pester me about it.

"Aww, Niall's in love! Niall's in love!" Calum chanted. Lunas muttered something about going to bathroom and left.

"He doesn't like Lunas cause he likes Liam way more!" Calum added. "He always has this adoring look on his face when he talks about him!"

"He also kissed Liam yesterday." Ashton smirked. The other two gasped and cheered.

"It was a friendly kiss on the cheek!" I exclaim. "How did you know that anyways? It was dark outside, I could've been kissing anybody!"

"I didn't know until now." I pulled him from my bed to the carpet. "What the hell Niall?!"

"Don't be an arse," I respond smugly.

"Just tell us about Liam!" Calum interrupted.

"If I tell you guys about Liam, will you leave me alone?" I ask impatiently.

"Yes." I sigh and tell them about Liam from when he visited me at home to yesterday night. I didn't tell them some personal things that Liam and I kept to ourselves although.

"This sounds like one of those love stories that the couple is so cute and there's a person who wants them broken up," Ashton said.

"Right. Except we don't know the person who ruins it all," Calum adds.

"Hey, where's Lunas?" Luke asked. "He's been in the bathroom for some time."

"I'll go get him," I said, walking out of my room and into the kitchen. I wanted some beer first. When I entered the room, Lunas was sitting at the table with two open beer cans in front of him. "Lunas?"

"Huh? Oh hey Niall," He muttered. "Take a beer. I was saving it for you."

"Really? Thanks mate." I took the glass and downed its contents. I blinked and groaned. That drink was uh, quite strong. I feel a hand cup my cheek and lift my head up so I staring at a pair of suddenly beautiful blue eyes. Woah.

"Are you okay Niall?" Lunas asks me. Our lips were literally inches apart and I am somehow freaking out on the inside.

"N-Never better..." I stuttered as my heart start beating rapidly. He's really c-cute. His beautiful eyes flicker from mine to my lips.

"Lads!" I hear Luke and Ashton yell as they barged into the kitchen. I glare at the duo, who have confused looks on their faces. "Niall, I thought you liked Liam?"

"Liam?" Lunas turned my face so I was looking at him, my thoughts of Liam instantly vanishing from my mind. "Liam who?"

And that's a wrap! What did Lunas do to the drink? What'll happen to Niam? Next chapter, we move to the present to check on Larry and Zerrie! Next chapter is gonna hurt you like hell.


My question for you is...

How do you like the boys' new single?

I honestly like it wayyyyy more than Steal My Girl. All of the boys sound great and they all get a good solo in the song.

5 Votes For An Update?

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