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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't written in a while thanks for all the comments and feedback! This one is kinda short but I will write soon enough.

35 weeks pregnant, that's how far along  Kensi was now. She was sitting in her desk while the boys were off investigating a lead on the latest case. She was feeling a bit off this morning. She had woken up with Deeks arms around her now huge stomach, and nearly gagged at the smell of his cologne, even though early that week she had bought it for him saying how much she loved it. Getting up to pee for the thousandth time this morning she waddle towards the ladies room. A 'short' ten minutes later she was about to sit back down at her desk when she felt a pain shot through her stomach. She couldn't help it she yelped . This caught Hettys attention, the older woman rushed over to Kensi. "Ms.Blye are you ok?" Her voiced laced with concern. "Hetty... I don't know what's happening!!" She took Hettys hand and held it for a minute. Soon she sat down slowly. Letting out a long breath she looked up from her bulging stomach to Hetty."Ms.Blye what just happened? Did something hurt you?" "Hetty I don't know I just felt a sharp pain go through my stomach! It's too early for me to be in labour" she was worried now that the baby was coming soon. I have to call Deeks he has to know about this." Ok Kensi just relax and if it happens again then we shall be concerned."

After waiting 3 hours she went back over to Hetty after talking to Nell and Eric for a while. " Hey Hetty I think I'm fine now, thanks for the help, all I need now is for Deeks to pick up his phone! " Hetty set her teacup down and looked at Kensi. " I think it's time I told you something Kensi" she keeps calling me Kensi instead of Ms.Blye that's strange,very un-Hetty like. "Sure what is it?"
"There's no easy way to say this Kensi and I'm sorry for only telling you now,I've known for awhile." "Ok now I'm worried Hetty what is it?" "Starting in 2 days Mr.Deeks will be returning to the LAPD for an undercover assignment. It could last from 6 weeks to a year. He will be under strict order to cut off all communication with the outside world while he's under."
Kensi couldn't breath, she felt her head spinning, she fell back into the chair and closed her eyes,6 weeks to a year either length he will be gone when she gives birth. I couldn't do that alone I need Deeks there with me. It would take a long time for her to process this.
Wait Hetty said she knew for a while... how long has she know?
" I'm sorry Kensi, I realise that either way he is not going to be present for the birth of your child."
"How long have you known Hetty?" Her voice was quick and stern.
"About a month " she said not realising what was coming next.
"WHAT?! You are joking me!" Kensi was furious.
"Kensi I knew you would be angry that's why I refrained from informing you."
"Hetty 'refraining from informing someone ' is waiting a FEW DAYS to tell someone that their partner isn't going to be there not only for the birth of their child but for the months after aswell! NOT a month!
"Kensi I'm sorry! Ok! I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier! I give you my word that I will try my best to get Deeks out of that op before you give birth, you have my word. Now go home Mr.Deeks is waiting for you."


Deeks was playing with Kensis hair while she slept peacefully, they had a good evening. When Kensi returned home from work they watched the titanic and ordered Chinese take away. The only thing that bothered Deeks was that Kensi wouldn't look at him. He needed to know if it was just his imagination or if something wasn't right. He nudged her awake " Kensi" he said. "Mmmmmpph Deeks what do you want." She whined. " I need to know why your not looking at me." He whispered , inwardly cringing at how horribly this was. She sat up and took a breath. "Why didn't you tell me?" She said.
"Tell you what?" He was confused now " Deeks stop lying to me."she was angry now how could he not tell her. " Kens I have no idea what you're talking about I would never lie to you!" He looked into her mismatched eyes. " Deeks! about you going back to LAPD!"
"What? Who told you this?"
"Hetty she said you had to go under for an op and you would gone for the next few months and when I give birth!" He went white how could he not be there for her he would die if he missed it. "This is the first I'm hearing about this!" He said " Kens I wouldn't miss that for the world."
Just as she was about to say something the pain in her stomach came shooting back and she screamed! She didn't know what to do so she just started moving around the bed quickly. "Woah Kensi what's going on are you OK?"he was worried and trying to get her to stop moving. She was holding her breath until the pain went and let out a breath again. "Oh god that's the second time that happened today Deeks! I got a sharp pain in my stomach! At first I thought I was going into labour but then it didn't come back until now!" "Ok we'll go to the doctor tomorrow I don't think it's anything to worry about."
" We also have to talk to Hetty tomorrow about this whole LAPD business." She said "Yes we do."
She wrapped her arms around his and quickly drifted off to sleep oblivious to what was coming next.

Hope you liked this one guys, not my best yet but I just needed a chapter to you in on what's happening next! Keep the feedback coming I need to know what I should and shouldn't be doing! Thanks Xxc

Life changing moment ( NCIS:LA )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora