Chapter Seventeen (edited)

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Dead End?

"What.. did you.. just.. say?!" Takane screeched. "I said what I said~" Kuroha said while smirking wider.

"Well either way, he'll die even if you do it or not~"

Takane eyes widened. She looked up to Kuroha. He chuckled in amusement. "Those red strings binding him will get tighter and tighter every 10 minutes. Around 2 hours he will be sliced by those strings~"

"Why are you doing this?!" Takane said. "Isn't it simple? I just want to kill him," Kuroha replied.

"Now pick! Do you want to give him a peaceful death or a painful one?~"

She didn't want him to die. She can't go looking around for solutions as Konoha is running out of time.

"Arghhh!" Konoha screamed in pain. It has already been 10 minutes since he had been binded. The strings were getting tighter. Takane clenched her fist while looking at Konoha who was in pain. Konoha noticed her looking at him. He tried to reassure Takane by smiling at her. She just bit her lip, deep in thought of what to do.

She tried to assess the situation, thinking of what will happen in the next few minutes. More screams of pain, blood everywhere. That was her worst case scenario. Takane absolutely does not want that to happen. But what can she do? Everyone is going to die at this rate. Even herself.

 Shintaro was still lying on the ground, bleeding. Ayano tried to patch him up with her handkerchief. Was it really impossible? Having everyone alive, smiling towards the brighter future? Was she hoping for too much?

"T-Takane.." Konoha mumbled softly. Takane heard him and quickly look up. "K-Kill m-me and hi-him.." He said. Takane knew she couldn't do it. She tried to object but the words won't seem to come out of her mouth. 

"What are you talking about Haruka-san! I want all of us to get out of this school together!" Ayano said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I-It's impossible, Ayano. Life is not that sweet," Shintaro said while changing his lying position into a sitting position.

Takane was still speechless. She couldn't respond in any way possible. She just froze there. To avoid less casualties, it would mean to sacrifice someone. That someone is Konoha. Takane didn't want to accept that fact. Her stubbornness had disappoint her till this very moment.

"I-I'll do it..." Takane said as her lips tremble. Even if her heart tells her to stop, her mind kept telling herself that this is the only way. She started walking towards him one step at a time. Her steps felt heavy. Takane is on the edge of crying. She just wants to let it all out but she has to stay strong.

Soft sobs could be heard throughout the classroom.Ayano continued to sob as she felt a warm caress on her back- drawing soothing circles.

Every step felt like an eternity to Takane. She wiped away the tears that were formed on her eyes. She finally stood in front of Konoha.

"I-I.. really wanted to say, thank you for everything you had done for me these past two years," Takane said as tears began to fall nonstop. "Even though it had been a short while, I really liked your company. We were in the same class for around two years. A lot of things happened and here we are now," Takane continued.

"Really, before I became 'Ene'. I already realized how much you mean a lot to me,"

Unknown emotions were showing on Konoha's face. He didn't knew what was happening. Before he knew it, he was already weeping. "So Haruka, these are the last things I want to say..." Takane said while sniffing. 

"Thank you..

















「Writer's Notes」

I'm so sorry for not updating before 2016 ;_;

A lot of things happened in my life. Such as, phone broke and back to school.
This chapter is a little short, I apologize. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Like I said in the previous chapter, there are probably 2/1 chapters left in this book. You all could probably guess what will happen in the end. I'm probably going to die from homework after all this.
I hope I don't procrastinate again T_T

Thank you for keeping up-to-date with this lazy author ;u;

If you actually check the time published for this. It was around 2-3 am. I re-read this chapter and I was like. The heck is this?! So I decided (with the decision from my sis also) to re-write the a few paragraphs. 

It is kinda shorter now so I apologize again. Wow, today I have been apologizing non-stop. First in PE, Second in Class, Third for hitting my sister with a muffin, Fourth is this.

Anyways I hope I can live with this chapter even if I re-read it, Those who read the old version, please read the updated version ;-;

Yours truly, Neko Elvira  

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