Chapter Twelve

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Side Effects (Part 2)

Takane yelped when Konoha suddenly hugged her. She tried to get out of his tight grasp but failed to do so as Konoha was fairly stronger than her.

"Ene... Is your real name, Takane..?" Konoha said as he stroked Takane's hair softly. "E-Eh.. You remembered?!" Takane said loudly as she continues to struggle out of the bear hug.

"Partially..." He said as he tighten his hug making Takane gasped for air. "I-I c-ca-n't b-breathe.." Takane said as she uses all her strength to smack Konoha's arms. "S-Sorry.." Konoha said as he lets Takane go.

After being out of the hug, Takane coughed as she breathe in air. Once she was okay, Takane was going to smack Konoha for this. But Takane decided not to harm the poor kid because he is suffering from the side effects of the spell.

When Takane looked back at Konoha, he was busy covering his head with both his hands and his body was curled into a ball on Takane's bed. Takane's eyes widen as she rushed to Konoha's side.

Konoha was trembling. He was repeating Takane's name as his head hurt like hell. Everything ached for Konoha his grip on his own head was fading. He felt like he was weak.

Takane was worried. She stared at his distressed situation. She couldn't do anything because she doesn't know what to do. Takane knew that this is one of the side effects.

Not knowing what to do, Takane just hugged him to calm him down and making sure he doesn't flip out. Konoha's head still hurt. Though, Takane's hug somehow lessen the pain that he was experiencing.

After few minutes, Konoha somehow fell asleep in the arms of Takane. Takane laid Konoha on her bed and covered his body with her fluffy and comfortable blanket.

With Akari gone, Takane was having a hard time. She got up and walked towards her closet and brought out an extra futon and laid it on the floor, beside her own bed. That futon will be where she will be sleeping tonight.

Takane sighed and walked towards her living room. She grabbed her keys and wallet then proceeded to her door. Takane decided to go grocery shopping for tomorrow's breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Takane inserted her key in the keyhole and twisted the doorknob as she opened the door. She quickly walked outside and ran towards the nearest supermarket. As she ran, Takane saw the beautiful autumn coloured sky as the sun was setting.

Takane took a left turn and saw a two storey building which had the sign 'Everything You Need Supermarket!'

She entered the building and took a trolley as she quickly put some ramen packets into the trolley. Takane just went around the whole supermarket and grabbing things that are needed such as meat, negima, rice, eggs, sauces, bread and etc.

After grabbing a lot of stuffs, Takane decided to proceed to the check out counter. Takane queued up and rechecked the items in the trolley to make sure she had everything she needs.

When it was her turn, she placed everything on the counter and paid with her credit card. They gave her three plastic bags filled with stuffs she paid for. It wasn't that heavy as expected for Takane.

She carried the plastic bags all the way home with ease. Takane placed the plastic bags down and inserted the door key to unlock it. She opened the door and swiftly took the plastic bags and placed them on the table. Takane locked the door and arranged the contents of the plastic bag based on the type of food.

After arranging all the food into the cabinets or refrigerator, Takane heard Konoha moving around on her bed. Takane peeked a little at her room and saw Konoha sleeping soundly. He looked really cute to Takane. "I love you Haruka.." Takane whispered softly while walking back to the living room.


「Writer's Notes」

The long awaited chapter is here!
I didn't update last week because of the horror of exam marks and also because I was being lazy to write. Luckily I didn't fail though.

Anways! I made a tumblr account and I'm planning to publish this fanfiction and some random original stories I have been working on for some time. I might post them on Wattpad if I have the mood.

Tumblr page:

Also, if you ship ShinAya(ShintaroxAyano), click on my wattpad account and read 'Alive'

By yours truly, Neko Elvira

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