Chapter Six

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The Game (Part II)

"Okay, I'll pick Konoha-san!" Momo said as she looks at Konoha who is practically still eating some snacks. "Eh. Pick me for?" Konoha said as he is still blur with everything.

"Truth or Dare, Konoha-san?" Momo said. "Umm.. Dare then?" Konoha said as he sorta figured out what they all were playing.

"I dare you to hug Takane-san until this game is finished!" Momo said with a grin. "EH! WAIT A MINUTE! WHY ME?! Takane shouted. "Okay." Konoha said.

Konoha lifted Takane up and placed her on his lap and hugged her as told. Takane's face was red as a tomato. No matter how hard she struggled she couldn't get out of this situation.

"Okay.. Continuing, Konoha it's your turn" Kido said as she practically stared at Momo while putting back her hoodie as it felt a bit cooler in Takane's room. "Then. Ene-chan, truth or dare?" Konoha said as he looks down at his lap to see Takane there.

Takane looked up at him and thought "Uwahh.. He is so cute when he looks at me like that. W-wait. What are you thinking Takane! Get a hold of yourself"

"I'll pick dare, since I picked truth already." Takane said as she quickly look down. "I dare you to get me more snacks." Konoha said as he shows Takane that he finished the bag of potato chips he was eating just now.

"Ugh. Fine." Takane said as she quickly got up when Konoha released her just to get some snacks. Takane opened up her cupboard and took something random. She gave it to Konoha and sat back on his lap as his dare was still on. Konoha continued to wrap his arm around Takane.

"Ene. It's your turn." Kido said as she took a book from the shelf in Takane's room. Turns out that book is manga. "Hm.. Okay. Kano! Truth or dare." Takane said as she grinned widely at him.

"I'll pick dare because telling the truth ain't my thing." Kano said as he smirked. "I dare you to kiss Kido." Takane said as she continued to grin. (A/N: I also ship Kido and Kano tbh.) Kano's reactions was delayed due to Takane's dare. But it was a dare so he had to do it.

"W-w-what. Why m-me?!" Kido's words were stuttered and she dropped the manga that she had only read for like, 2 pages. Kano stood up and walked towards Kido, who look like her soul had disappered fron her body.

"K-Kano! Are you seriously doing this?!" Kido nervously laughed, but stopped as she saw that Kano was not joking. His eyes showed that he was serious and with that, she shifted back slowly, but to her worst nightmare, her back touched Takane's bed. Her eyes widened.

Kano continued to walk in slow steps. Closer and closer. Kido could hear her heartbeat racing in her ears as her eyes were looking anywhere but him. But as soon as she squeezed her eyes shut, only to open them again a few second later, Kano was already right infront of her- his eyes looking down at her.

Kido's face became red as she realized how close they are. But before Kano could do anything, Kido panicked and hit Kano in the stomach. She heard how her friends gasped in shock but she couldn't care less as she quickly stood up, her legs were shaking as she was about to make a move to escape the room.

But, luck was not on her side as she felt a warm palm grasping her arm, stopping her from moving. And before she know it, the world became black.

She felt the softness of silk between her fingers as she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before they widen completely in shock.

"K-Kano.." Kido murmured as her hands gripped tightly onto Kano's shirt. Her hoodie can no longer cover her eyes. Oh how she wish they did, now all she wanted was for the ground to swallow her whole as she was really going to die from embarrassment.

Kano's hands were placed on both sides of Kido's head, trapping her like a predator trapping it's prey. He leaned closer to Kido without a second to waste. Closer and closer.

Kido's face was already red, if possible, even more red then before. Even her ears were red as she squeezed her eyes shut, her heart beating rapidly and she wonders whether Kano could hear it too.

"Do... You want to do it?" Kano whisper into Kido's ear. She felt his hot breath on her skin as she shuddered. Kido couldn't reply, no. Not when Kano was so close to her. Instead, she just nodded. She couldn't really say no anyways. Not when there are curious eyes from their friends, watching their every move and making sure Kano completed his dare.

There was a moment of silence and Kido thought that maybe she had faint to death. But then, she felt something soft against her lips. Kido gasped as she felt Kano kissed her gently.

There was no tongue or anything. It was just a simple, gentle press of their lips. But for Kido, it was like magic as it felt like their lips were meant for each other, like two puzzle pieces. Kano's lips was soft but it was a bit dry from the aircond in Takane's room. She felt how Kano's hand gently stroked her cheek, feeling the warmness from it as his other hand was occupied with supporting his body so that he did not crush Kido's smaller frame body beneath him.

They slowly seperate from each other, living the tender kiss that they both secretly enjoyed. Kido sighed as she slowly opened her eyes. Kano too, did the same as they stare at each other, enjoying the comfortable silence around them.

Click click click click click

Kido and Kano both snapped out from their dream land and stared at the source that was making that sound with wide, shocking eyes.

"E-Ene...?" Kido whispered softly as her face slowly became red again. Takane put down her phone, smilling at them innocently.

"What? Im just collecting materials so that I can blackmail you next time. Plus, that was such a sweet moment that I couldn't resist not to take photos." Takane said as she held out a peace sign, grinning victoriously. "V!"

"E-Ene! Oh gosh, please delete it!" Kido shouted as she kicked Kano out of the way, jumping out of the bed and rushing to where Takane is. Her hands trying to reach for Takane's phone and wishing to just, break it in half.

"No can do!" Takane laughed as she moved her phone within Kido's hand distance. Everyone in the room laughed while Kano just sat on Takane's bed, a small satisfied smile on his lips.


「Writer's Notes」

Well, how did you think of this chapter?

I didn't know how to write that dare kind of dare that much. So, I asked my sister to help me write that part :P

By yours truly, Neko Elvira

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