Chapter Eight

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The Night Filled with Stars

Takane fell asleep on her own bed with a tear in her right eye. Akari looked at the sleeping Takane. She fell alseep after crying because of how much pain Akari held in her slender body.

Akari looked at the digital alarm clock on Takane's desk. "8.32p.m." She muttered as she looked at the clock. "Guess its time to go back to Illumint to get my answer." Akari said as she jumped and started to hover off the ground. (A/N: Illumint is the place at the sky only reachable when you're an Illuminel. Meaning its the home of the Illuminel's)

Akari flied towards the sky silently after exiting through the window and gazed at the moon. She placed a hand in front of her and yelled "Nigthlumt". (A/N: Didn't know what to write for this so I went with 'Nightlumt' = Night + Illumint)

There was sudden brightness in Akari's eyes and she was transported to Illumint. Illumint had floating islands and a lot of Illuminel flying around.

Akari flied through the skies of Illumint and went straight towards a building on a floating island with the sign 'Wingless Council' (A/N: Didn't wanted to write 'Illuminel Council'. Its too boring :P)

Akari knocked on the first door to the left and someone greeted her with a smile as she opened the door for her. "Yumi, can I ask you something?" Akari said as she entered the room and sat on the couch of Yumi's office. Yumi was the head of Illuminels. She had bluish hair with a shade of mint and deep emerald eyes. Her hair could reach until her hip and she have long eyelashes.

"What is it?" Yumi replied as she gave her another sweet smile while closing the door to her office. "I was thinking... Does the 'Moarc' still works?" Akari asked as she looked at Yumi with ultimate seriousness.

Yumi looked at Akari and walked towards her. "Why'd you need to know? Is it something to do with the human you are teamed up with?" Yumi said with a slight stern look.

"Well.. I guess you can say that. The human I am teamed up with loves a guy who have lost his memories so I was thinking if 'Moarc' could help him regain his memories." Akari said as she explained briefly to Yumi.

"I see.. 'Moarc' still works just that it have one flaw.." Yumi said as she placed a finger at her temple. "What flaw?" Akari said with full anticipation.

"Its flaw is that there are side effects on the person that is casted 'Moarc'. The side effects will only last for 5 days. But it is really terrible, you will see that the person will be terribly sick with high fever, sore throat, puking, sore arms, flu and other possible sickness. But after 5 days all these side effect will disappear and he will be healthy back." Yumi said as she looked at Akari with the concerned look.

Akari looked really shocked but decided to take it in. "Okay, I get it. I will ask the person who is going to be casted with 'Moarc' if he is going to be alright with the side effects. If he is alright with it, I will cast it on him" Akari said as she have this determination look. "Thanks Yumi!" Akari said as she stood up from the couch and hugged her.

"Don't mention it" Yumi said as her sweet smile returned. Akari released her grasp on Yumi and waved her goodbye. Akari walked out of the room and quickly flied back to Takane's house.

[Takane's Room]

"Muh..." Takane grumbled as she slowly started to sit up on her bed. Her alarm clock was disturbing her like never before. She looked at her alarm clock and realized it was 5.07a.m. She quickly silenced her alarm clock and decided to make some dinner.

Takane opened her cupboard at the kitchen and saw some instant ramen. She took one packet out and started cooking her simple ramen.

After cooking it, Takane grabbed a bowl and poured the ramen into the bowl. She washed a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. She also took a cup and filled it with water.

Takane slowly devoured her ramen as she wondered if Akari is back at her house yet. Suddenly, there was a shadow near her window. Takane stared at the window and saw something going straight in the window at high speed.

Takane braced herself as she heard sounds of crashing in her living room. Then, Takane realized that it was just Akari.

Akari stood up and put up a peace sign. Takane just sighed happily looking at Akari's clumsiness.


「Writer's Notes」

Hoped you enjoy this chapter.

I have no idea what I just wrote.
Creating stuff like 'Moarc and Illumint'
I thought they sound pretty cool.

Anyways, as I mentioned in Chapter 7. Me and NekoNyancchi had created an ShinAya fanfiction (Shintaro x Ayano) It's called Alive. It still have only one chapter but I will update it soon.

By yours truly, Neko Elvira

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