Fourteen: Blonde

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Kyret and Luke filed through the crowded auditorium to reach Aiden in one of the dressing rooms. Through a swarm of passionate fans cheering and snapping pictures, she saw Aiden was sitting in a velvet chair with a beatiful blonde on his lap. She playfully nipped on his ear and neck while he sipped something brown out of a shotglass. Another blonde, this one older, was playing in his hair. She ran it through her fingers like a cat would do with catnip. Both of them were drawn to him. Kyret could see the lust for him in thier eyes, and Aiden's indifference. They writhed and sashed around him, drawn to his swagger like flies to a lightbulb.

Though there were five press interviewers all asking him questions at the same time, Aiden answered none of them. He waved to his fans, and then decided to up the ante. He pulled the blonde beside him and attacked her with his lips and tongue in a druken smooch. They both moaned and groaned as the audience reacted rapturously. He pulled the girl away from his face, then looked directly at Kyret. Kyret's gaze didn't falter. She looked on, unintimidated and unwavering. And with that, Aiden waved for her to come closer. 

Kyret pushed through the crowd, with Luke on her flank. Some of the women in the audience were wild with envy. Echoes of "Who is she?" "Does he know her?" "Ugh, I wish that were me!" filled the room. 

"Have a thing for blondes don't you?" Kyret probed.

Aiden snoffed and uttered in reply, "I don't discriminate." His golden eyes then shifted from Kyret to Luke's. He glanced Luke up and down. "Speaking of discrimination. . .?"

 "Don't start nothin' you can't finish." Luke warned.

Aiden gave a once-over again, then looked back at Kyret.

"What do you two want?" 

"We want to talk." Kyret said. 

"So talk."

The surrounding reporters and audience grew silent in anticipation. Luke could feel eyes baring into his back. He lowered his head to whisper in Aiden's ear. "In private." 

"Look, I am a man in demand. I have to talk to my agent before I schedule any events. Besides, you couldn't afford me."

Kyret was getting fed up with his ego. "We know." 

There was a crack in his armor. His normally glazed over and condescending eyes turned urgent and sincere.

"Get out."  He announced. None of the fans or the photographers moved. They all thought he was talking to Kyret and Luke. 

"OUT! OUT! ALL OF YOU! NOW!" He announced. Everyone then rushed out grumbling curses under thier breath. He pushed the girl off of his lap and slapped the hands of the one parading through his hair. 

"You, too. Out." He screamed at the girls. They slid their stilettos on and hobbled out of the dressing room. One of them slammed the door. "Fuck you."

Aiden and Kyret and Luke. 

"What the fuck do you mean you KNOW?" Aiden questioned. 

Kyret looked at Luke. And Luke looked at Kyret. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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