Thirteen: Bullets

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Everyone froze as Aiden’s body fell back to the ground. The man on stage’s eyes were wide with anxiety. He moaned and placed the gun on the ground. Aiden was still. His body did not rise and fall with breath. It did not twitch with life. It just laid there. Aiden was dead.

The audience began to murmur nervously. The photographers in the building took a flurry of photographs. Everyone backstage began to panic. Josh came on stage in a haste.

“Someone call 911!”

The audience panicked. Some raced to get out of the building, others just sat there and cried. Kyret looked to Luke, who just shook his head.

 It wasn’t long before the man on stage began to cry. He fell to his knees and wept.

“Its all my fault! I shouldn’ta did it!”

Kyret was confused. Maybe this was just a grand way to commit suicide. Maybe he didn’t want to feel alone when he died. Maybe he wanted to go out with a bang. Well, he most certainly did.

Admist all of the frenzy and chaos, Kyret looked at Aiden’s body. She was astonished to find that it was slowly rising from the ground. He was standing up.

She was overwhelmed with emotion, “LOOK! HE’S ALIVE!” Kyret screamed.

Everyone in the auditorium stopped to see a smiling Aiden, alive and well. He lifted his shirt to reveal his stomach. Smooth, pale and unscathed. Two black objects were stuck to his stomach, and he slowly peeled them off. They were the bullets. They didn’t even go through his flesh.

The audience roared with praise. The chosen audience member lifted Aiden enter the air and started a chant. “AIDEN! AIDEN! AIDEN! AIDEN!”

“It’s time to meet the man of mystery.” Luke snuffed.

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