Alexia beamed. "Great!" she said. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled her number on it. "Give me a call." She walked over and passed the holy grail to him, and in that moment, Almier thought he saw the faintest hint of a blush.

"Thank you," Almier said without thinking, and he felt his face heat up. You idiot. You bloody stupid idiotic disgrace to humanity moron. Alexia was taken aback for a moment, but she just turned around and laughed, which, to Almier, sounded like the highest assembly of angels ringing out angelic chords. "So it's a date then."

"Yep, a study date." Almier wondered if mouth removing surgeries existed.

Alexia smiled. "Of course. A study date. Goodbye Almier!" Almier carefully folded the paper into the pocket of his jeans and floated out the door.

Alexia POV

"Oh. My. Gawd." Alexia screeched to her best friend, K.H. "You would not believe what just happened. The best thing that could ever happen in the trillion years that humanity has existed."

K.H frowned. "I think that scientists will tell you that it's unlikely the earth has existed for such a long period of time, though the beginning of existence of creation is a debateable fact. However, taken into consideration the possibility of evolution and the time that humanity has actually developed from. Also the definition of what you mean by humanity is -" She stopped when she saw Alexia roll her eyes. "Kidding! What's the big news? Einstein awoke from the grave and invited you to dinner?"

Alexia grabbed her hands and the excitement gleamed in her eyes. "No, better!"

K.H looked impressed. "Hold up. Are you almost spazzing? Wow, Alexia Lee getting this excited over something? This has to be good."

"There is a new boy in my class. And he speaks french. And he's going to France on the exchange programme, like me. And he has a surname that sounds like an actual word, but with an e. And We're having dates. Well, study dates but dates nonetheless. And we're going to fall in love and get married. And I'm going to have his babies." She rambled on.

K.H's eyes widened. "No. Way. NO. EFFING. WAY. YOU LIKE A GUY. AS IN A HUMAN BEING THAT HAS DIFFERENT GENITIALS FROM YOU. AND YOU ARE SPAZZING. OVER A HUMAN BEING WITH DIFFERENT GENITIALS FROM YOU. HOLY MOTHER OF SCIENCE, I BELIEVE ALEXIA LEE'S IN LOVE." She started clapping her hands and doing a happy dance along the hallway. "Shall I call the wedding planner? The news van? The nobel prize committee, and tell them to suck it because Alexia Lee is not interested in their prizes because she has found a guy that trumps whatever recognition they can offer? Should I -"

"K.H! Relax!" Alexia gripped her friend's shoulders. "You're overreacting."

"Says the one that wanted the babies of a guy she met no less than one hour ago," K.H scoffed. "What's the lucky man's name?"


K.H made a face. "What kind of a name is that?"

"Shut up. I like it. Besides, at least he doesn't have initials for a name," Alexia remarked dreamily.

K.H smirked. "I could use my real name. But then I would be on crime watch and high alert for suspicion of murder." K.H's real name was Kielle Hymm, which was given to her by her rage-driven mother, who was dumped by her boyfriend at the time of K.H's birth. K.H, the murderous sadist that she was, liked her name, but she grew tired of the uncomfortable stares teachers gave her when reading out her name and eventually settled on just going by her initials. K.H whipped out her phone and started typing furiously.

Alexia narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Googling your new love interest," K.H replied.

"K.H, you do not just google your friend's crushes. It is just not done."

"You google yourself. I don't see why I can't do the same."

Alexia pursed her mouth but didn't say anything. K.H's eyebrows arched in delight. "Well, well. Look what we have here."

Alexia snatched the phone away from her and scanned through the contents of the page. "Says here he was awarded the young master of linguistics a few years ago. Oh my goodness," She looked up with an expression worn by those who had just experienced a miraculous encounter. "There is a God up there."

K.H smirked. "Would you look at that. Alexia Lee has finally met her match." She paused. "I realize that word might work both ways."

Alexia handed K.H back her phone, her grin permanently etched on her face. "I've gotta run. I'm late for class."

"What'd you got next?"


K.H gave a sly smile. "Is Almier in that class?"

Alexia hoisted her bag on her shoulder. "I guess we're about to find out."


Hey guys! Here is the second chapter of the story with a new character, K.H! I apologise if the story is slow-moving at this point of time, but it is necessary that we build our characters and foundation of the plot before moving further! There will be more exciting chapters coming soon!

Thanks for reading :) ~thewriters101~

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