Bestfriends *Calum*

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Calum has been a good friend for a while now, but you can't deny you've always had feelings for him. It's moments where he gets so sweet and cuddly and protective that you think maybe he feels the same way. You two are out at a club, when you feel a hand placed on the small of your back. You turn your face to see that it's some really drunk man, who looked old enough to be your father. You tried not to be too rude as you pushed his hand off of you. He leaned into your ear and whispered things that you would never repeat to anyone, when suddenly you felt him get ripped away from you. It was Calum. You don't hear what is said over the loud music, but you see the man raise his hands in surrender, and Calum wait and watch to see the man leave you. As soon as the man is out of Calum's sight, he rushes right up to you cupping your face whispering "Are you ok babe? Please tell me he didn't hurt you or touch you anywhere or do anything." He swiftly moved your hair out of your face and searching your eyes for any worry. After you told him that you were fine, he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. "Let's get out of here. This was enough adventure for one day." He said chuckling. You two left hand in hand and drove to your place. "I don't have enough gas to get you home, so just stay with me tonight." He said rubbing his thumb on your hand. Once you agreed, you two headed inside and he handed you a pear of sweats and one of his cut up tees. You two layed on the couch cuddled up under a blanket watching a movie for a long time. You slowly drifted to sleep, and awoke groggily as you felt two strong hands pick you up and carry you to his bedroom. As soon as he put you down and started walking away, you pleaded that he stayed with you in there. After a bit of fighting, he flopped down next to you and wrapped his arms around you, sighing. "I could stay like this forever." You muttered into his chest. "Do it." He said immediately, making you look up at him. "Let's just relax and go to sleep, we can talk tomorrow. It's late." He said into your forehead, kissing it. You fell asleep in his warm embrace, and let's just say there was some talking about it when you woke up still wrapped in his arms because he just couldn't handle you being on the other side of the bed as him.

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