Staying the night

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Luke: Seconds before your body collides with the ground, your eyes fly open. Your body immediately jerks up into an upright position as you try to regulate your heart rate. Glancing around the room, you reach out into the darkness until your hand brushes against the soft, plush toy. Pulling the stuffed penguin into your chest as you fold your body in half allowing the hot tears to roll down your cheeks and drop onto the soft duvet. You longed for your own bed and the comfort of your mum's hugs, but they were out of town and you were staying with the Hemmings' family. Without really thinking about it, you lazily shuffle out of the bed with the penguin in tow. Walking over to Luke's bedroom, you gently push the door open and tip toe into his room. "Luke," You whisper. "Are you awake?" A muffled noise leaves his lips in response. He rolls over so he is facing you and his eyes flutter open slightly. "Y/N?" He says, propping himself up on his elbow.  "Are you okay?" You shake your head. "Nightmare." You mumble, holding the penguin against your chest. He pats the bed, telling you to go to him. He pulls you into his arms, creating virtually no space between you two. "You're safe with me." He mumbles into your neck, before he dozes off again.

Calum: Another pillow is thrown across the room; this time hitting you square in the chest. You let out an 'oof' as another pillow hits you, causing you to fall flat on your bum. "You're evil." You mutter as you throw the pillows back in Calum's direction; he dodges each one. It had been months since you last saw Calum so of course, the moment he got home from tour you invited him over for a sleepover. "I'm not evil! I'm just skilled and well, you are not so skilled." He chuckles. "You better sleep with one eye open Hood." You threaten which leaves him in a giggling fit. "What's so funny?" You demand. "You're like a teddy bear Y/N; your threats aren't exactly threatening." "I am not." You say, stomping your foot on the ground. "You are. You're too cute to be threatening." "Oh, you think I'm cute?" You smirk. "Maybe." He says, taking a few steps towards you. You pout. "Maybe?" He chuckles. "Fine, you're god damn adorable." "Good." You state as he gently cups your face and brings his lips to meet yours. Pulling away from the embrace, his hands reach out and begin assaulting your sides. "Way, to, ruin, a, moment, Hood!" You choke out in between giggles. After his assault is finished, he collapses onto you. "Uh, Calum?" "Yes babe?" "Get off me." "Why?" "You're kinda heavy." "Too bad for you. I'm gonna sleep in this position." "You're kidding." "Nope," He says, popping the 'p'. "Goodnight Y/N." "I hate you Cal." "Love ya too baby."

Michael: "I won!" You scream out, throwing the PS4 controller onto the couch. "You cheated." Michael grimly states. "I did not cheat. Just admit that I am the FIFA champion." He shakes his head. "That's a lie. You cheated." You scoff. "Just admit that I am better than you." He shakes his head again. "I refuse." "Sore loser." You mumble. "What was that?" Michael asks. "Nothing." You say as you collapse on the couch behind you. "I'm tired." You say after a strangled yawn leaves your mouth. "Well it is 2:30 in the morning." "WHAT!" You exclaim as you sit upright. "I have to get home." You begin to make your way to the door. "Y/N wait, you can't go home now." "Excuse me?" He places his hand on the back of his neck. "Well, it's dark and I don't want you out there alone." "I have to get home, my parents will kill me." He sighs. "Just stay here. Tell your parents that you're sleeping over." "I'm not sure how that would slide with them." You state. "I'm pretty sure that your parents would rather you stay with me in a safe, warm home than be out on the streets, at night, all alone for around an hour." You nod your head in agreement. "Fine, I'll stay here. Thanks Mikey." You say, pecking his lips in appreciation.

Ashton: "So, what do you two want to do?" You say as you sit down between Harry and Lauren. "Let's watch a movie!" Lauren suggests, as Harry nods in agreement. "Sounds good to me. I'll go make some popcorn and you guys can pick a movie." You say as you make your way to the kitchen. The kids settle on 'The Pursuit of Happiness' and by the time you return with the popcorn, they are both snuggled up underneath the blankets. Harry motions for you to join them under the blankets which you gladly do. Halfway through the movie you notice Harry struggling to keep his eyes open. "Go to sleep Harry." You say as you tuck the blanket around him. Harry nods softly before resting his head on your shoulder and dozing off, Lauren soon following. Nearing the end of the movie, you feel your eyelids get heavy and eventually join the kids; closing your eyes and falling asleep. Around one in the morning, Ashton and his parents return home to find Harry, Lauren and you cuddled up on the couch. Ashton smiles as he takes in your sleeping figure; soft snores leave your mouth as your chest rises and falls ever so slowly. Carrying Harry and Lauren to their bedrooms, he sits down beside you and pulls you into his chest. Your eyes flutter open slowly. "Ash?" You mumble sleepily. "Go back to sleep baby girl." You nod lazily and return to your dream world. "Sleep tight baby." He says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

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