Snow day

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Ashton: "Baby wake up." Ashton says, gently nudging your shoulder. "No." You grimly state and bury your face into your pillow. "Come on baby, I have hot chocolate downstairs." You instantly lift your head up when he mentions the hot chocolate. "You should've started with that!" You say, hopping out of bed and dashing down the stairs. You can hear Ashton's footsteps behind you as you skip into the kitchen. "You're such a child." He says as he catches up to you, pulling you into his chest. "Look who's talking!" You say, playfully sticking your tongue out at him. He goes off to prepare the hot chocolate and you walk over to the window, leaning against the window sill you take in the sight in front of you.. "How long has it been snowing?" You say as you notice the little snowflakes falling from the sky/ "I think all night. There's quite a bit of snow on the ground." He replies, handing you the mug of hot chocolate. "It's beautiful." You say/ Ashton wraps his arms around your waist. "It really is." He says, kissing your forehead. You stay in that position for a while, admiring the sights and just enjoying each others company. "Hey Ashton?" You say. "Yes darling?" He says contently. "Can we go back to bed?" You feel his torso vibrate as a laugh ripples through his body. "As you wish." He says. He wraps you up in his arms and carries you back to bed, where you spend the rest of the day in bed, cuddling and kissing.

Luke: You sigh contently as you slowly sit up in bed, stretching your arms. You quickly glance down at Luke's sleeping form before turning around to check the time. Your eyes widen, you had two minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast and get to class. You hated being late so as if on instinct you started to panic. You try to hop out of bed but Luke's arms remain securely around your waist. "Luke let go, I'm late for school!" You exclaim, trying to wriggle out of his grip. "No school today babygirl." He mumbles, still half asleep. "What do you mean 'no school'?" "Look outside." He says, releasing you from his bear grip. You make your way over to the window and push back the curtains. You gasp. "When did it snow?" You say as you look at the piles of snow covering the ground. Luke just shrugs. "Who cares when it snowed, the point is it snowed and because of it roads are closed so no school for you." he says with a slight smirk "Now come back to bed, I'm cold." You crawl back under the warm sheets. Luke's arms encircle your waist and you can feel his body heat radiate off of him. If a snow day meant staying in bed and cuddling the entire day than you hope it snows more often.

Michael: "We should play in the snow." You whine to Michael, resting your head on his lap. "Not know." He mumbles, not taking his eyes off of the video game. "You've been playing that game all morning, it's time for a change in scenery." He goes to the home screen and presses some buttons, changing the background of the level. He grins at you cheekily. "There you go, a change of scenery!" "Ugh, come on Mikey, let's go outside!" You say, lifting your head off of his lap. "Maybe later Y/N." "You're impossible." you mumble to yourself. You slowly walk over to the game console, staring at Michael the entire time. "What are you doing?" He questions. "Nothing," As quickly as you can, you reach down and yank the plug out of the socket. The TV screen goes dark and Michael stands up, throwing the controller on the couch. "What. The. Fuck." You give him a big smile. "Come and get me Clifford!" You scream, quickly slipping on your shoes and dashing out the door. You stand under the falling snow, in nothing but your t-shirt and sweat pants, watching Michael slip on his shoes and jacket. "If you're going to go outside, you need a jacket." He mutters, placing your jacket over your shoulders. "Oh and I hate you Y/N." "I know you love me."

Calum: You anxiously waited for the announcer to the list all the schools that were closed. As soon as you heard your/schools/name, you leaped off of the bed,screaming the words 'Snow Day'. "What are you so happy about so early in the morning?" Calum asks, leaning on the doorway. "SNOW DAY!" you scream, running into Calum's arms. "Slow down there princess." Calum mutters, trying to regain his balance. "Can you blame me for being excited? You don't have work and I don't have school. We can finally have some alone time." You whisper, trailing your pointer finger along his torso. "Now why would I want to be alone with you?" He teases, walking out of the room. Grabbing his hand, you pull him back into the room. "Don't be like that Calum." You warn. "Don't be like what?" He teases, his eyes darkening by the second. He walks towards the bed, gently pushing you down on the mattress. He presses his lips to your neck, kissing every inch of visible skin. "Maybe some alone time won't be so bad." He whispers against your skin, gently nipping at the soft skin.

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