He/you stays the night

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Calum: Screaming was all you could hear from outside your door. Your parents were fighting downstairs. A harsh exchanging of words soon turned into a screaming match between your mother and father as you quietly sat in your room. You picked up your phone from beside you and dialled Calum's number. "Hi Y/N" he greeted cheerfully, picking up the phone before the third ring, "Sorry, i-i know it's late, but Calum, they're.... they're fighting again" you almost whispered into the phone. You could feel his smile fade. "A-are you alright?" he asked nervously, attempting to comfort you, "yeah, i'm..i'm ok," you said sadly, "Cal, can i, uh, c-come over?" you asked shyly, "Y/N- o-of course- you can always come over" he said softly. You told him you would be there soon as you packed a few things into a small bag and hurried downstairs, avoiding your parents as you cautiously snuck out the front door. His house was a few blocks away and you soon reached Calum's doorstep as you were careful not to knock too loudly,aware his parents were home and most likely asleep. The door swung open, as Calum stood with his arms outstretched. You lunged forward as you dropped your bag and buried your face in his chest. You felt him shut the door as his arms wrapped tightly around your back. He could sense your thoughts, what have i done, why do they keep fighting, is it my fault, are they going to get a divorce? His hand combed through your hair and he planted a soft kiss on your forehead as he shushed you. He pulled away slowly and picked up your bag as he leaded you upstairs to his room, the familiar setting calming you down a little. You sat down on his bed, pulling your feet up and crossing your legs. "Can i get you anything? Tea, coffee, um, food?" he laughed lightly. You shook your head and gave him a weak smile, "Thanks, but i'll be alright for now" you said, rubbing your eyes. "You're tired aren't you" he said softly. You nodded, pulling back the blankets and slipping your feet in. He smiled warmly as he flicked off the light and climbed in behind you. His arms found their way around your waist and his tight grip pulled you into his chest. Your eyes grew tired and you took Calum's hand in yours. "Everything will be better in the morning. i promise" he said placing a kiss to your temple. You smiled as you closed your eyes, the sounds of his breathing, soon a soft snore as you both drifted to sleep in each others arms.

Michael: The simulated sounds of gunshots and merciful pleas could be heard from your room. The only reasonable explanation was that your older brother and his best friend Michael were playing some stupid zombie game. You decided to get up and go to the kitchen, as your brother was making it impossible for you to get any sleep. You crept down the stairs and flicked on the light switch to the kitchen, leaning on the bench. You soon heard footsteps approaching and turned your head, watching as Michael entered the room. "oh hey Y/N" he said opening your fridge and helping himself. "uh hi" you stuttered nervously and smiling shyly. It was no secret that you had a massive crush on Michael, but with him being your brothers friend, you never thought you'd stand a chance. "So uh, hows your band thing going, i hear you guys have been nominated for another award" you say with a grin, "really good, yeah we have, we've got some competition but we'll see what happens" he smiles scratching the back of his head. "oh y-yeah that's cool, i hope you win" you say quietly. He giggled softly, "Thankyou". You both stood in each others presence for a few moments before Michael spoke, "You know, i think they might be playing our interview on TV right now" he said excitedly. You smiled at him, "ok, well i can turn it on if you want, but we can't turn it up too loud in case my parents hear" you whispered. He nodded and trailed behind you to the living room. You clicked on the TV excitedly as you plumped down onto the couch, patting the cushion next to you and gesturing for Michael to sit down. He smiled and flopped down next to you. The light of the TV made you blink before your eyes adjusted. You leaned your head back as you peered over at Michael, watching him silently giggle as he watched himself. You felt his arm naturally sling over your shoulder, you blushed and slightly turned your head to look at him, thankful the room was dark enough that he couldn't see your pink cheeks. it was unintentional you told yourself as Michael's eyes were still fixated on the TV screen. Taking in the opportunity, you decided to unintentionally get closer to Michael. You slowly rested your head on his shoulder. He let out a yawn as the interview came to an end. "you're really pretty" he mumbled tiredly. Your head shot up "what?" you stammered anxiously, he shook his head and ignored your question, maybe that's the tired talking. You heard someone clear their throat behind you as you spun around to see your brother, "uh Michael what are you doing" he asked with a confused expression and a raised eyebrow. Michael peeled himself off the couch stretching as he did so, "oh, uh just watching some TV with Y/N" he muttered out. Your brother took hold of Michaels shoulders and began to usher him back to his room. "uh sorry you got stuck with my little sister, she's such a pain" he groaned, "oh it's alright. She really isn't that bad" Michael said optimistically as he gave you a wink before exiting the room.

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