"Goodnight." I said before walking into the theater.

When I walked back inside I could've sworn I heard sniffling. I saw Y/N wipe her eyes then get up. "Hey is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll go start the movie." Y/N said.

When Y/N came back she took a seat next to me and the movie started. The Breakfast Club, I've never seen it before but I heard it was a good movie. I reached over and placed my hand on top of Y/N's and she didn't pull away. "So what did you think of dinner today?" I asked.

"It was alright, I honestly liked it." Y/N said.

"That's good, my favorite part was hanging out with Logan and Gabrielle. They are so adorable and full of energy." I said.

"Yeah they are something else." Y/N said.

I turned so I was facing her and asked, "You're really good with kids, you ever thought about having some of your own one day?"

"I can't."

Y/N stood up and pulled up her shirt exposing her amazing abs. On the right side of her stomach there was a scar that was a pretty nasty scar. "What happened to you?" I asked.

"I was on a job one day Skittles and I were on a job, simple grab and go. I was 18 when this happened. Before I could make it out the house some guy shot me. There was too much damage to my ovaries and stuff, so as a result I can't have kids."  Y/N said.

"Oh wow I am so sorry. That must've been tough to handle." I said.

Y/N pulled her shirt down and sat back in her chair. I could tell by the look on her face it was hard to talk about. Hearing at a young age you can't have children, that can really bother you.

"At first I was sad about it but then I realized someone like me doesn't deserve to have kids." I said.

"Hey don't say stuff like, I'm pretty sure you would be a great parent if you ever had kids." I said.

Y/N started to play with the bracelet on her wrist while she watched the movie. I sat back in my seat and continued to watch the movie. Y/N broke the silence by asking, "Can I ask you a question Dinah?"

"You can ask me anything babe." I said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I look past all of the bad stuff. I know that you can be a good person, you just need someone to show you." I said.

Y/N bit her bottom lip while she looked at mine, she leaned closer and we locked eyes with each other. "Do you think you're the one that can show me?" Y/N asked.

"I can show you a lot of...things. It's up to you if you want to see them." I said while I traced the outline of her jaw.

"One day Dinah, one day." Y/N said.

I rested my head on Y/N's shoulder and watched the rest of the movie. I was still feeling the effects of that turkey dinner and it was hitting me hard. Eventually my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep.


According to my research Dinah is the most difficult one to wake up, so I made sure to take precautionary measures. I carefully picked her up and carried her upstairs. "You so strong." Dinah mumbled.

"Thanks." I said.

"You sexy too." Dinah said.

"Thank you Dinah, you are very sexy too."

Fifth Harmony Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें