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Jessica's POV:

Jake threw me into a vehicle with a piece of clothing over my head so I couldn't see anything. I tried not to shake out of fear but I couldn't help it. Where were they taking me? I heard a women's voice but I could not make out what they were whispering about.

We finally came to a stop and I was jerked out by my arm. Dating Jake all this time, I never knew who he really was. Maybe it was because he always thought I would come back to him and I did for a little while but I was done. I was glad too, now I see how crazy he was.

I heard the woman ask someone something, sounding a little distant with this stupid thing on my head. I struggled a lot but it was no use, Jake was very strong. My heart fell to my feet when I heard a familiar voice. I gasped but there was also a stupid thing shoved in my mouth.

I heard Nick! I tried to get away screaming at Nick to save me but all I could hear was baffled sounds. The two conversated but I couldn't make Out The words.

I heard Jake next to me grow really tense. I heard a loud gun shot, so close. I stiffened and Jake tightened his grip on me. I heard a women scream and that's when I felt Jake pull me into the car and slam the door. Just as fast my door slammed another door opened. Then we peeled out.

I started to hyperventilate and cry. I had to keep it together. I had no belt on, so i wasnt bound to the car but my hands were still bound in front of me. The driver was driving crazy, I heard the tires erk everytime we made a corner. I would fly to one side of the car. Then to the other side. I heard sirens in the area. Even though my hands were bound together, I could still turn around to find the Door handle.

I would never be able to find the handle with the bad driving. Thrown left then right hitting my head on the front seat. I heard Jake yelling at me. Finally, I jerked the handle and threw my body out of the car.

I immediately regretted my decision. I rolled and rolled scraping all over my body and road rash. My head smashing the concrete again and again. I wasn't sure how fast we were going, if I didn't go then I would not have another chance.

I heard car horns and people yelling. Tires screeching and the sounds of shattered glass. My whole body hurt. I tried to pull myself up but being still bound and hurt, I collapsed. Not being able to go any further. I felt blood and cuts on me all over. My body burned and pained. I blinked a couple times seeing spots all around. Then letting the darkness take over and giving in to the numbness I closed my eyes.

In and out, I heard sirens all around. I felt someone slowly pull the blind fold over my head. I closed my eyes tight, knowing it would be bright out. The blind fold was soaked in blood, I felt the wetness of it.

Nick stood over the top of me, horrifing thoughts went through his eyes. The way he was looking at me, I wondered if I was missing an ear or something. "What's wrong, Nick?" It hurt to talk and breathe but I was a fighter.

"I'm so sorry Jess, this is all my fault. I don't know what to say, I'm sorry." He covered his face with his hand wiping the tears from his face.

There were paramedics surrounding him now. I could hear him wincing in pain. I seen his arm raise up at me. Then I couldn't see him, they were all standing around him.

I felt the paramedics raise me up on the stretcher and rolled me into the ambulance. What happened to Nick. Oh no, he got shot.I didn't see any blood on him but then again there was a lot of blood around.


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