The chase

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Nick's POV:

I tried to move quickly lunging at the gun Emily had pointing at me. I heard a loud gun shot but I also had my hand on the gun now wrestling it out of Emilys hand.

I jerked the gun hard, breaking her wrist I think, it cracked loud. She let out a loud scream. I swung the butt of the gun aiming for the back of her head knocking her out, cold.

I ran to my car while calling the police and giving the a quick summary of everything. I had been shot in the shoulder. I guess my adrenaline over took the pain but now it was starting to hurt bad. I swerved in and out of cars blowing their horns at me. I had to catch up to him.

Rage filled me when it dawned on me. Emily said Jake could have Jessica. Jake, where have I heard that name before. It was Jessica's ex. What the hell? I will kill him when I get my hands on him. I will snap him right in half without a second thought.

Jake was in Emilys big black SUV, poor Jessica's head flew back and forth in the backseat. I was finally catching up to him. I could see Jessica's body rise here and there back towards the door. No, she better Jessica don't do it!

I put on my break slowly. Jake was turned around yelling at her. Suddenly I see the door fly open and her body flies out. I slammed on my breaks and could hear all the cars slamming on their breaks. Horns honking, people screaming and yelling.

Her poor flawless body rolled and flipped on the hard pavement. I slammed on my brakes and jumped out slamming my car door, wincing because I used the shot shoulder to slam it.

The ambulance was already here and paramedics surrounded her before I could get to her. They manage to Un bind her. I seen the cops shoot past us to catch up with Jake who never slowed down.

The medics pulled the blind fold over her head and I gasped in. The blind fold was covered in blood and her face was cut up and her head and body gashes all over. I was horrified, so pissed at all of this.

I should have shot Emily, she might get away. If she ever touched Jessica again I would kill her with my bare hands. Jessica spoke to me, "What's wrong, Nick?" She spoke lightly probably having some cracked ribs.

I broke down telling her how this is all my fault and how sorry I am. I started feeling woozy and dizzy. Soon the medics surrounded me asking me questions. I put my hand out to Jessica not wanting to leave her side. Not ever wanting her to hurt ever again.

I waited till the doors shut to the ambulance before I collapsed. I didn't want Jessica to see me like this. How could Jake end up with a women like Jessica anyway. She was too sweet, too genuine and elegant.

If I ever get my hands on him...I trailed off in my thoughts letting the anesthetic numb my pain.


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