The End of Mario?

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When nighttime comes, Peach and Mario go to sleep. Something wakes them up, something baaad...

Peach's POV:
I woke up in a room that wasn't my hospital room! "Oh no I can't leave the hospital! Where am I?!" I think. "What?" Someone said. It was Mario... "Where am I?!" He panicked. "What? Peach?" Mario looked over and saw me. "Peach wh- you can't leave the hospital!! why are we here?!" He shouted. "Well, well, well if it isn't Mario and peach" A weird voice said. "Peach I recall you said you would date me!" It was... Bowser! I remember him... "What?!" Mario exclaimed. I make a nervous laugh. Mario sighs. "Anyways, I know you have amnesia so.." Bowser says. "Hold it I only don't remember a little bit of stuff!" I interrupted him. "Oh well ok so BYE!" Bowser leaves me and Mario to be alone...

Mario's POV:
I was alone with Peach, my girlfriend who's life is risked... "Peach I'm not mad about you saying you'd date him" I said. "I know." Peach said smiling. "Well now what do we do we're just sitting here tied up..." I said sighing. "It's ok Mario..." Peach said trailing off. "What is it?!" I asked. "It's just I heard a noise.." Peach said worrying. I look up to see the ceiling starting collapse! "AH!" I scream. Peach sees it too... "HELP!!" Peach screams. After a while, Luigi shows up with a toad. "PRINCESS! We'll save you!" The toad shouted. The ceiling collapsed more and more... They untie Peach and by the time they finish, the ceiling gets closer to us. Luigi tries to untie me but he can't.. "Just.. Go Luigi...." I tell him looking down. "B-but I-" Luigi tears up. "You guys save yourselves..." I tear up as well. "But Mario-" Peach tears up too. The ceiling starts to get way way closer. "Guys save yourselves.. Bring Peach back to the hospital or she'll die..." I say crying. "Ok..." Luigi says teary eyed. "Goodbye..." I say crying. They get out just as the ceiling gets to the ground...

To Be Continued...

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