Taking Back Peach!!!

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Mario's POV:
I woke up the next morning to see that Azul was gone. I yawned. "A-Azul?" I rubbed my eyes, tired and confused. "Azul?!" I called. I sighed. "Not today..." I rolled my eyes and looked for Azul. I eventually found her in a tree.. "Azul!" I called to her. She looked down at me. "Oh.. Hey Mario" Azul blew her hair out of her face. "Why are you up there?!" asked Azul. "Looking for Luigi" Azul sighed. I rolled his eyes. "You know he's in the castle with Peach" I told her. "Fine.. Let's go" Azul hopped down from the tree. They venture out to the new castle.
Peach's POV:
I was sitting there, thinking 'why would he fall for Rosalina?!' Rosalina came gliding through the door. "Ah, Luigi!" Rosalina glided over to Luigi and hugged him. I had a surprised look on my face. Luigi looked down when he saw me. He looked ashamed. "Now, you did a great job kidnapping Peach." Rosalina smiled. "Um.. Thanks" Luigi sighed. "Ok now let's throw her into a pit of lava" Rosalina demanded. Luigi widened his eyes. "O-oh I mean.. Torture her" Rosalina blushed because she messed up. "No!" Someone called out. "Huh?" I looked over. "MARIO!" I grinned goofily. "A-Azul?!" Luigi blushed. Azul crossed her arms and looked away. Luigi sighs and looks down. Azul looks back and sighs. "Let's save her!" Mario runs to me. "You get Rosalina and I'll get Peach" Mario whispered to Azul. Azul nods. Mario runs up to me and unties me while Azul distracts Rosalina. "Hey" Azul tapped Rosalina's shoulder. "Hm?" Rosie turned around and rolled her eyes. "It's you" Rosalina sighed. Luigi looked over at Azul as she rolled her eyes. He blushes. Azul doesn't even pay attention because she punched Rosalina in the face. "Hey!!" Rosalina punches Azul back. Luigi gets mad and kicks Rosalina from behind. He runs away and hides before Rosalina looked behind her. "What the-?" Rosalina steamed up. "Luigi?" Rosalina called for Luigi. When Rosalina was distracted, Luigi, Mario, and Azul ran away with me! Rosalina turned around. "What?!" Rosalina exclaimed. "They're gone! With Luigi!!" Rosalina growls. "Thank you Mario and Azul" I smiled. "And Luigi?" I looked at Luigi. "S-sorry.." Luigi sighed. "I forgive you" I turn back around. Azul doesn't even say a word to Luigi. She's still mad at him.

To Be Continued...

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