Rosalina gets what's coming to her..

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"Guys we've got to go to Rosalina's house and get Mario back!" Peach demands her friends. "Ok peach! Let's make a plan first and it won't take long" Daisy says and tells them her plan to get Mario back. "Ok! Let's go!" Peach demands them and runs. Meanwhile at Rosalina's... "Rosalina you don't have to do this! We can be friends!" Mario exclaims. "Fine I will let you go if you date me!" Rosalina tells Mario. "WHAT?! You're crazy! I'm dating Peach!" Mario exclaims. "Too bad then... You will stay here until you say you'll date me!" Rosalina explains. "I mean- I'm sorry but I can't! I said if me and peach break up I'd date you! Isn't that enough?!" Mario yells. "You know what.. You can leave but come here EVERYDAY after school!" Rosalina says. "If you don't, you will suffer" She threatens.

Just when they come upstairs from the basement, Peach breaks through the door! "ROSALINA give Mario ba-" Peach says as she realizes he is safe. "Did you NOT kidnap him?" Peach asks. "Oh I did honey" Rosalina smirks. "That's it! You're gonna get it!" Peach exclaims as she jumps at Rosalina and attacks her. "HEY WHAT THE HECK!" Rosalina screams and attacks peach back. "Oh my gosh!" All 3 friends gasped. Mario grabs Peach when she punches Rosalina in the face. "I'LL GET YOU ROSIE!" Peach yells. Rosalina smirks at her and then Peach growls at her. Mario realized Peach might love him a little too much...

To Be Continued...

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