Ignoring Luigi?

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Azul's POV:
Arriving at school, I walked toward the quad and sat on the fountain edge. And yeah I was avoiding Luigi. It's obvious why.. he kinda ditched the whole "date" idea. Anyways I saw Mario and Peach walking toward the quad and walked over to them. I noticed another person walking next to them, but didn't pay attention to them, really. "Hey guys" I greeted my friends and pushed hair out of my face lightly. "Hey Azul!" Peach smiled invitingly. "Hey" Mario waved. I waved back. "H-hi.." I heard a voice quietly coming from near my friends. I turned toward them and saw Luigi. I immediately crossed my arms. "Hi?" Luigi shyly tried to greet me. I turned back around to Peach and Mario. "So how are you doing Peach? Since you know you did get kidnapped an' all.." I asked Peach so I could avoid talking to Luigi. "Oh I'm just fine!" Peach said, obviously only paying attention to Luigi's feelings....

Luigi's POV:
She ignored me?? I sighed. Of course.. I was kind of a jerk.. "So how are you doing Peach? Since you know you did get kidnapped an' all.." Azul turned to Peach so fast that I only saw a blur... I understand though.. I couldn't help but frown a little after she turned. I sigh and walk towards Mario. "Hey bro. I think I'm gonna head over to class.. see you there?" I asked Mario, hoping he didn't notice my feeling sad.
"O-oh uh ok bro?" Mario has a concerned, questioning look on his face as I turned and walked away. I could feel my friends eyes on my back as I got farther away from them.

Mario's POV:
"Hey bro. I think I'm gonna head over to class.. see you there?" Luigi asked, obviously trying to hide something. What is he trying to hide though? He looks kinda sad.. "O-oh uh ok bro?" I replied, concerned for my brother. I noticed Peach staring as he slowly walked further away from us. It is strange though. Azul was staring at him from the moment he initiated a conversation with me, until he couldn't be seen walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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