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Chapter 8! I really like this one, I think it's cute x3

My mother threatened my laptop . . . This is no laughing matter; my baby's in danger ;(

I really have nothing else to say except that there are only three chapters left that I can upload so . . . :/

But VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN anyways! :D Do it for the cuteness! lmao

>>>>>>>>> Air Elite ^.^


Eight – Nate

Okay, So, Maybe She’s Growing on Me . . . A Bit

I opened the door to find Juri jumping up and down cheering, “I won! I won! I won!” Cooper was sitting on the couch amused, watching Juri do a little victory dance. Suddenly she caught me in the doorway and, to my surprise, waved happily. “Hey Nate! Guess what! I beat Coop at C.O.D!”

I raised an eyebrow at Cooper and he mouthed, ‘Let her.’ A wry smile made its wave to my lips. She was getting so excited over something she didn't really win. Well I wasn’t going to be the one to burst her bubble.

Juri hopped over the couch like a freak and took some of the plastic bags filled with food from my hands. She’s helping?

She set them on the counter and began un-bagging all the items, grouping them into three groups; freezer, fridge, and pantry.

She must’ve felt our eyes on her because she looked up and asked, “What?” Then she looked down at what she was doing and gave a sheepish grin. “Oh, sorry, force of habit.”

“Force of habit?” I echoed, setting the rest of the bags on the bar and pulling out food.

“Yup. I had just gotten out of my punishment back at Ariocra. I had filled the tower of Preston’s computer with chocolate syrup. Harry said that since I wanted to play with food so much then I could have kitchen duty.”

I rolled my eyes. I didn't know who Preston was, but if I had to take a guess, it would be that feather boy I saw her fighting with when she was leaving Headmaster Harrison’s office.

“Eww,” she suddenly said. I looked back at her to see she was un-bagging the case of beer I had bought. “Why do people drink this stuff? I don’t understand.”

I rolled my eyes again and Cooper chuckled. “Because then they can stumble around and get into fights and not have to worry about others looking at them like they’re freaks,” he said.

“But I heard this stuff is nasty.”

“Have you tired it?” I questioned.


“Then try some and tell me how nasty it is.”

She shook her head wildly. “No, I will never, ever, drink, do drugs, or smoke.”

“Priss,” I snorted.

“Hey, you don’t smoke either.”

“And how do you know?”

“The only smoke I smell comes from downstairs. Which is good, because if you smoked I’d be trying to get as far away from you as possible.”



I still felt her gaze on the back of my head. I couldn’t fucking sleep with her staring at me like this. “Ask,” I demanded.

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