Blood Twins

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Heeeeyy guys! This is a story I've been working on for a few weeks. I wasn't sure if I was gonna upload it but I figured, what the hell? So read and vote and comment and stuff, please! :D

Yeah, since it's the beginning it'll be a little slow but i promise it picks up!




One – Juri

This Means War

I glanced at Suri from the opposite side of the hallway, an evil smile holding its famous place on my face. “Ready?” I asked her.

Suri was my twin sister. We were sixteen years old but we acted like we were ten years younger. We were practically inseparable. Our specialties were pranks and being ninjas. Yeah, we weren’t so right in the head either, but hey, that’s just what made us so special.

She grinned—not as maniac as mine, but would make a grown man terrified—and nodded excitedly. “You know he’s going to kill us,” she pointed out in the same whispered tone I had.

My smile widened. “That’s the best part.” I peeked around the corner down the long hallway and saw it was all clear. “Okay let’s go.”

We ducked into the hallway and continued to run down it silently, ducked slightly. On the third to last door on the left I slipped it open quietly and peered inside.

Preston Goliger lied asleep on his bed. Perfect.

Preston was a year older than Suri and I and he’s been our victim ever since we were kids and he cheated in a horseback riding race. He thought he was so much better than us, turning his nose up at us like the snobby brat he was. He picked on us constantly and in return Suri and I played pranks on him like no tomorrow. He was just downright annoying. Even his name was annoying. Preston; such a stupid name.

I crept inside and Suri followed. We left the door cracked so light was able to make it into the room since it was pitch black. Damn, I wish he still had his nightlight like last year. Okay so I had always put it there, but the faces on his friends when they found it were priceless.

“You got the stuff?” I asked in a whisper, not bothering to look back at Suri. I tip-toed over to Preston and poked his cheek. Nothing; good, he wouldn’t wake up in the middle of our plan.

“Yeah,” she whispered back. I heard her taking out our supplies from the box we brought and I went over to help.

It took about an hour to set up our hilarious prank and after we were done we cleaned any trace of evidence and stole out of his room, all without making a sound.

We snickered as we made a mad dash to our room and it took us a while before we were able to calm down and fall asleep.

Preston Goliger, you are in for one awesome morning.


“Juri,” Suri complained from the bathroom. It was hard to hear her over the running water of her shower. “Can you grab me a towel? I forgot one.”

I sighed and climbed off our bed. I went to our closet and grabbed a fluffy, lavender colored towel from the top shelf. I cracked the bathroom door open and threw the towel in.

“Hurry up! We don’t want to risk him waking up!” I called and shut the door.

“I’ve barely been in here ten minutes!”

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