Isaac scared his twin sister Ivy. She tried to stay out his way. When I was younger, I was a trouble maker but I never hurt my sister. Isaac seemed bipolar like Mia, but he was worse. Some days, he was perfect, the child everyone would want. The next day, he was getting picked up from school and put into a juvenile detention center because he threatened someone with a knife.

What scared Mia and I the most was that Isaac liked fighting. He would train to be a warrior. He was good. Better then good. He didn't need a weapon to kill someone. He had his bare hands. I've seen him take down a rogue bigger then him by snapping his neck. When he did it, he just pushed the wolf off of him, got up to look at me, then walked out into the forest. He was gone for two weeks after that.

Everyone got used to him leaving. He'd do something horrible then just get up and leave. He could be away for a couple day to a couple weeks. One time he was away for a month before Mia got worried and sent Aaron looking for him. Aaron came back with scratched down his face saying Isaac just needed alone time. We all accepted that he would leave and that he would soon come back.

Mia and I didn't want to accept it at first. It wasn't until Isaac agreed that he would tell us where he was staying and that he would still go to school that she accepted it.

"Get your mind out the clouds and start the car," Mia hit my arm. I snapped back to reality and started the car. We drove down the long driveway and the security guards before getting on the road. We were followed by other guards protecting us.

Isaac always hated that. When he ran the first time, Mia had guards follow him. When he came back, they got into a full argument. He didn't understand the importance of the guards trying to protect him. Of course, Mia was trying to protect him, but he just didn't care. He didn't like to be watched over.

Mia always thought he was the way he was because he knew of the child that Mia lose when he said him and his sister. Isaac wasn't good with lost. When a girl at his school killed herself, that was the only thing he would talk about for weeks. He would mope around the house like he had nothing to live for. He offered the girls family money to help burry her. The crazy thing about it was, he didn't even know the girl. He never talked about her before she killed herself.

Isaac wasn't good with rejection either. He hated rejection. He hated getting told no. Ivy came home to Mia in tears one day because Isaac grabbed a tire iron from his car and almost took it to a boys head because he broke up with her. There was no doubt that Isaac loved Ivy and Aaron but he went way too far.

Aaron tried to ignore Isaacs outbursts. He would have cuts all over him after one if there fights. Aaron would just wipe the blood away, smile, and tell Mia that he almost beat him. After each fight, he would say that one day, he'd win and he'd be the best warrior. It was all for play though. He was scared for his brother more then himself. He was scared the Isaac would hurt himself. Isaac would never intentionally hurt someone so he didn't have to worry about that.

Isaac hated hurting people. Whenever he would fight, he fought because the other person started it. It was either from someone threatening him to Aaron yelling at him. He didn't take so well to getting yelled at. He saw it as someone trying to hurt him. Isaac was the person that braked in the middle of the road for a squirrel. He'd also be the person that would shoot the squirrel because it yelled at him.

"Is this is?" Ivy asked from the backseat. I shook my head and got out the car to open Mia'ss side of the door.My thoughts were always on Isaac more the they were on Ivy or Aaron. I knew that Aaron and Ivy could protect themselves and use the brain they were given. Isaac on the other side of the scale, made me stay up at night and check his room to make sure he was still there and still alive.

I've talked to Mia about getting him institutionalized more times then I could count. She just said it was a phase and that he would grow out of it. I doubted that, but I gave up trying. Any mother would try to keep her son close to her. I just thought Isaac need some extra help. I tried putting him into therapy but he just laughed in my face.

I knew he would never go and he didn't.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Mia held her dress up as she walked up the stairs to the church. People watched her like she was a queen, which she was.

"It's white," I murmured under my breath.

"It's actually an off white dad," Aaron corrected me. I frowned. That's what it felt like to have a kid smarter then you. The corrected you on everything whether they knew it or not. He always corrected me from schoolwork to what color was his mothers lipstick. It was annoying.

"Thank you for coming," the groom shook my hand. I nodded at him and found a seat in the back of the church. It was about to start.

"I'm going to get Isaac when we get home," Mia's face turned red. She never liked how her father and her pack judged her but she hated the way Isaac made people treat her. Isaac made her embarrassed and he made me feel the same way.

"Why?" I turned my head so fast, my neck hurt. Isaac was standing behind us, crossing his arms. He wore a suit vest with a tie around his neck. It wasn't tied but just laying on his shoulders. Aaron's eyes widened. He didn't think his brother would come.

"Because your mother told you to come," I said crossing my arms. He continued to stare at him, no emotion coming to his face.

Isaacs face lost all its color and he stared at the bride as she walked up the aisle. He wasn't listing to me anymore. He was paying attention to something else.

"Śhít," Mia minutes softly. She hardly cursed anymore. It was a surprise that she did and in a church at that,"I knew it."

"Knew what?" Isaacs eyes slowly started to turn silver. He continued to stare at the bride.


The end. Vote/comment. Thanks for reading. Read the second book that'll be coming out soon. It's going to be called The Lightning Wolf.


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