Chapter 14: Forgive me

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Mia's Pov

I sat in the boring meeting like my father forced me to do. It was about me being an improper Luna. All the Alpha's were around me including the Alpha King who was superior to all of us.

I've stayed away from Luke for the last three days. I did apologize to Cameron and Cody then let them stay the week. I watched the twins Ivy and Isaac.

Luke and I have been sleeping in separate rooms. We don't talk much unless it's important like Aaron getting expelled from preschool. How does a preschooler get kicked out anyways?

Anyways, it was taking a toll on both of us. As I stared at him across the table his eyes were blood shot and his hands were shaking. Alcohol withdraw. He went back to drinking and smoking after all. I couldn't blame him though. I was going back to my old ways also.

Now it was just a game for me. He was going to be the one losing because I was not admitting I was wrong and coming to him. That was something I don't do.

Who changes for a man anyways. Certainly not Mia Lana Wright.

"Luna Wright are you even listening?" The King asked me. I blinked my eyes snapping back to reality.

"Sorry sir, I must've dozed off," I said which had him narrowing his eyes at me.

"She always does," I turned my head to see Alpha Clark rolling his eyes at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

The lighting was itching my fingers ready to come out and show him what a badass I could be but I held back in front of the King.

"Mia, we all know you lost a child but-"

"Sir, do up bring up my child," I cut him off. He raised his eyebrows at me. He was challenging me to continue. I shut my mouth biting my tongue.

"Nothing else to say Ms. Wright?" He asked tilting his head. He was challenging me. I bit my tongue and balled my hands into fists underneath the table. My eyes were probably turning silver.

"My mother told me that if I have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all," I said through my teeth making him chuckle. Luke sent me a look, telling me to shut up.

"Well you see your mothers dead," he announced which made me snap.

I hit my fists against the table making electricity float above the surface. The King just watched it like he was in awe.

"That's what I wanted to see," he continued to stare at it until I put my hands in my pocket," Mia, you are awfully powerful. Why haven't you told us you have this power? How long have you had it?"

I looked around the table. Alpha Camden's eyes caught mine. He was staring at me. I had half the mine to jump across the table and strangle him but I held back from it.

Luke's eyes seemed to mirror the same while he was staring at him. He was the reason he died after all.

"Awhile now. I would've thought you wouldn't have been interested. I've already been through a meeting like this. You told me I was an unfit leader then," I stared at my hands. The electricity was still popping.

"Mia don't be an ass," he rolled his eyes which had everyone staring at him. I had half the mind to tell him I like being an ass," we know you and your mate have had complications. You were always a different type of Luna. I like different but I don't like when they have rumors about you being a whore. I don't like to hear rumors about you being a druggie."

"I wish they were rumors your honor," I almost freaking bowed. Mia, you are talking to the King. Get yourself together.

The King narrowed his eyes before continuing,"I'm leaving you as Luna but I'm assigning someone to watch you. Jalin Pierce."

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