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"Ivy, go get your brothers," Mia called from our bathroom out into the hallway. She was attempting to cover a scar on her cheek with makeup.

She got the scar from fighting the king to get her title back. She was now the queen and I was the king. She made her dream come true. She made mine come true too. Mia didn't die. That was all I wanted.

"This is stupid," Aaron stood at the door trying to fix his tie. We were going to a wedding. We were obligated to go being the king and queen. If I had it my way, I'd send the married couple a bottle of wine and sit in my room watching tv. Mia was the only one who wanted to go. She had a feeling.

Mia's feelings were normally right. She would say that something was going to happen and then it would soon happen.  Say she would guess someone would die and they would die the next day. I wondered what her feeling was about today.

"Why do we even have to go?" Aaron stood beside me. Mia straightened out his tie.

"Because I have a feeling," she never elaborated on her feelings. She would just say, after it happened, that she knew it,"Aiden, where's your tie?"

"You're lucky I'm wearing a suit and not shorts and a t-shirt," I murmured under my breath pulling the tie over my head. She smiled, pleased, and walked out the bedroom.

"Mom, will I have to marry someone I don't know?" Ivy's been talking about the marriage since they gave us an invitation. The eighteen year old girl was marrying a man just to make her pack stronger. Ivy was afraid of it happening to herself.

"You'll never marry," Aaron and I said at the same time. Mia only laughed and shook her head.

"No, you'll marry whoever you fall in love whether it's your mate or not," she  frowned at me. I didn't know what I was doing. Apparently, I was making her late.

She took being a queen way too seriously.

"You didn't marry your mate," Ivy sat down on a chair by the bed. Mia was frowning even harder.

"I did marry my mate, but that's not a story for now. Right now, it's time to go," she fixed Aaron's shirt one more time before walking towards the door,"where's Isaac?"

"I don't know. He left early this morning. Said he'd be back or that he'd meet us there. It was around three in the morning when he left," Aaron stared at the wall as he was talking.

Aaron was twenty now. He was very intelligent. He thought about giving Isaac the alpha title so he could go off to college and be more then just an alpha. He wanted to do something with his life. That all changed when Isaac started to show his true self.

Mia thought it was just a phase he went though like I went through a phase. She said he would grow out of it like I did. I, on the other hand, didn't think he would.

Isaac wasn't like I was. He got drunk from time to time but he was...different. He started pointless fights with people. He started a fight with Aaron because Aaron took back what he said about giving him the alpha title. That night ended in Aaron getting stitches because the cut was too deep to heal by its own.

Sometimes I think that Isaac can't feel remorse. After he cut his brother and he was bleeding, he stared at the blood on his hands for a couple minutes. Mia was too busy with Aaron to watch him, but I could see the way he looked at the blood. His eyes got so big and sweat started to drip down his face. He ran. He ran from us and Aaron that night.

He was out the house for a week. He still went to school but he just didn't come home. He finally came home when the stitches were gone from Aaron's face. He pretended like nothing happened. It Mia, but I just told her that it was him trying to forget it happened. To tell the truth, I thought my son was a certified psychopath. That thought scared me.

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