Chapter 5: Sweat mold and games

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Cody/ future alpha Pov

I've been locked in the cell for more then two hours and I already hated every piece of it.

The concrete walls felt like they were closing in on me and the silver cuffs around my wrist stung when I moved my arms. I didn't know exactly how long I've be in here but I knew when I get out I wanted to talk to the alpha.

How dare he say he didn't know my brother and then lock me in a cell?

The look on Cameron's face said all I needed to know. She was scared and freaked out by the change but I couldn't help that. I wasn't the one who changed.

I've been sitting here for around two hours before I heard a squeaking nose that made me want to cover my ears. I growled and looked around. Where was it coming from?

"Hey hot-head. You got a cell mate," the man said dragging his knife across the wall making that awful sound. I growled out while he opened the cage I was in.

I lunged at him but was stuck in the confined space. He only laughed and continued to open the door.

"Sebastian," I said confused as the man dragged him in with handcuffs on and locked him up near me. He only growled at me and kept his head down.

"Tell me what happened," I ordered the cell guard. He just stared at me like he was fighting with himself.

"I don't have to send orders to you," he said turning away from me,"you're not my alpha."

"I will be so tell me what happened!" I said louder making him jump.

"He was found letting the wolf control him. Look up," he ordered Sebastian. He ignored him continuing to look at the silver cuffs.

"Sebastian," I called his name again. This time he looked up at me with red eyes and growled.

"Play nice," the guard said then walked away after scrapping his knife again. Sebastian cringed from the noise but his eyes didn't turn back to their normal dark color.

"Sebastian," I called again. Again he growled at me and looked down.

"Don't talk to me Cod's," he

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