Chapter 25: Grown up?

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Aiden's Pov

I sat on the couch with my elbows on my knees and my head down. It was early morning. I've been up all night wondering about what Mia meant by growing up. I thought I was grown up. Wasn't I?

"Done thinking? I can see the steam coming from your ears," I looked up at Mia. She had Aaron on her waist and his book bag on his back. He did go to preschool. Didn't he get kicked out at one point?

"No," I looked back at the ground. She walked around the kitchen and put a bowl of cereal in front of him. When she came back, she leaned down on the ground in front of me.

It took her awhile before she found out what she wanted to say.

"I'm getting Kidd to take Aaron to school. We need to talk and it's important," I nodded slowly. She nodded back and stood up, walking away.

Mia was a grown up. She understood what love was. She understood how to take care of her children. Luke understood that too. Luke was a father figure where Aiden Barnes just wanted a father.

As words traveled through my head, it sounded like I had an identity disorder. Maybe I did. Was I Aiden or was I Luke? Maybe I was both of them.

"L...Aiden," Mia caught herself from saying Luke. I wouldn't have blamed her if she did. I probably would've even answered.

"Mia, I feel like I have an identity disorder. Am I Luke or am I Aiden?" I asked putting my hands on my shoulder.

"You're Aiden. You're my Aiden and you know that. Am I making you get confused?" She asked slowly.

I shook my head,"no, you just told me to grow up and Luke was grown up. He took care of his children and he was good to you. I don't know the first thing about changing a diaper."

She laughed. She just shook her head and laughed at me.

"This isn't what I wanted to talk about but this is important," she grabbed my arm,"when I told you to grow up. I meant to put down the drugs and drinks. At least learn how to take care of Ivy and Isaac. Aaron's not that complicated. He can talk."

"Was Luke-"

"Stop asking me about Luke!" She yelled and stood up. Her eyes were starting to turn silver,"I don't care about Luke. I love you! I love Aiden. I love everything about you!"

"Like what? What's there to like about me that's better then Luke?" I asked standing up.

"You are my best friend. You've always been my best friend. Luke wouldn't know the first thing about making a joke. You made out with me in your room even though your mom could hear you. I love that I don't care attitude. I just love you in general. What I love most are your eyes. No one could copy them. Some might say that they're blue but they're also grey and they hold your sadness in them. They're like puppy dog eyes. That's the only soft thing about you Aiden," she hugged me. It took me a second to put my arms around her.

Mia's father died. She only had me now. If I left her, she would have no one. She knew it wold come to that one day. Her father knew that. He knew I was Aiden. Mia killed Alpha Camden. That was how I came back.

"I love you Mia. I'll never leave you," I whispered into her hair.

She pulled away and smirked at me,"good, cause I'm going to kill the king."

"Are you on something right now?" Was the first thing that came out my mouth. She only laughed and sat back on the chair. That really made me think something was wrong with her.

"I'm taking back my throne. My mother was the princess. She ran away with my father. The king named someone else to be his heir. I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to take my power back," she shrugged and leaned back,"you can't stop me. I'll do whatever I want whenever I want."

"You'll get yourself killed Mia," I grabbed her arm. She looked up at me then behind me.

"No I won't, cause he's coming to me. I can control him. Did you know that your wolf can take power from the moon and store it. I didn't know that either. I'm just as powerful as he is, maybe even stronger. I have a trick up my sleeve," she closed her hands into fists. When she opened them, lighting came out making me jump,"I have lightning."

"What's that going to do?" I had to look down at her hands just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Maybe both of us were on something and we were both hallucinating.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the pack house. Once outside, she closed her eyes. When she opened them they were all silver. She looked up into the sky.

Rain started to fall down on us, soaking our clothes. I jumped when lightning flashed, closely followed by thunder.

"How are you able to do that?" I asked looking up into the sky.

"I'm more than just a Luna. I've always been more than just a Luna," she whispered quietly.

"When did you get this power? You didn't have this before," I ran my hands through my now wet hair.

"No, I didn't have it before. I got it from my near death experience," she shrugged.

"Mia, if Parker is still alive and you are still alive. Is my mother still alive?" I asked slowly.

She looked down at the ground. It took her a couple minutes before answering me.

"I would assume so. The only reason you died was because you went back but you are back now. You fought against death. We all did. Your mother probably did too," she sat down on the ground.

"How would I find her if she is still alive?" I asked changing the subject. Maybe I was doing it on purpose. I didn't want to hear about Mia's death plan. I especially didn't want to hear about whatever power she had. What kind of power was it anyways?

"I would look through death certificates in the pack hospital. If she's not in there, you could always look through patient files for when she was there. It probably won't list what power she had or what she turned into but it will give some information about her but if she doesn't want to be found. She won't be found," Mia took my hand. I nodded slowly.

"I want to talk to Parker," I pulled away from her.

"She knows that," Mia frowned and nodded her head behind me. I wondered why she frowned but I didn't have enough time to think about that before Parker ran at me. She put her arms around me.

Her black hair was slowly starting to turn red. Her black eyes were turning blue like mine. She was a vampire but I guessed me coming back into myself, she was also coming back into herself. I had myself back and I had my sister back, when did I get my mother back?

I hoped it was soon.

"Parker," Mia nodded her head at her. Parker frowned and looked back at me.

"You're still with her. I would've thought that now you have your body back, you would have your own choices," Parker whispered into my ear. Mia only crossed her arm.

"Mia's my whole world. She's always been. Why don't you like her?" I asked grabbing Mia's hand. She pulled her hand away and stuck them in her pockets.

Parker only shrugged,"she kept your mate from you. She knew from the beginning that Cameron was your mate. Luna Cameron always wanted to meet you because she wondered why Mia was so in love with someone other than her mate. Mia wouldn't let her because she knew that when you meet her that you would find your mate and you would leave her. She kept you from her all this time just because of it. I at least wanted you to have a chance at your mate. She always argued over it. That was why I thought she wasn't good for you but then I saw you together. I saw how in love you were with her. I didn't want to ruin it. I wanted to let Mia make her own choice. When her mate came along, she was just going to leave you. I didn't want to see you hurt. I didn't want to see you go into depression again," she sighed,"but when you died Mia went into depression. She refused to go to pack balls because she didn't want to find her mate. She only wanted you and only you."


Sorry it took me long for this update. I really don't know where this stories going to go but I hope to figure it out soon. I would love some ideas.

Thanks for reading.


Careful RougeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora