Chapter 18:Memories

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Mia age 10

There was more yelling. I heard screaming and crying. The fairies in front of me disappeared. When I opened my eyes again, I was sleeping in my bed. All around me was the pink wallpaper and the white dressers. In front of me stood Mikey and daddy. Daddy had tears in his eyes. Mikey was covering his face like he was also crying.

"Are you okay dear?" daddy asked slowly. I lifted my head from the pillow. Daddy had a bruise on his neck. He kept rubbing it like it was itching him. It must've been a rash.

I reached into my pocket and wrapped my hands around the rock I got from the lake. It was still wet. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at it before looking up at daddy. He stared down at the rock.

"I got a rock for mommy," I said getting out the bed and pulling open the door.

"Wait Mia," he called after me as I ran down the hallway into my parents room. I pulled open the door and searched through the room. A noise went off from somewhere outside. I pulled the curtain aside watching as people crashed to the ground crying as a siren went off. I didn't understand. Where was my mom,"Mia, we need to talk."

"Where's mommy?" I asked holding the rock tighter in my hand. I haven't heard the siren since Mark died. He was the third command, he was killed by a rogue wolf. That was the siren that used for when an important person was dying.

I knew what happened to her, but I just wanted him to tell me. My mom was dead and someone killed her. I was going to find who killed her and I was going to kill them.

"Mia, your mother was killed."

Mia age 15. 5 years after mothers death

"Light one for me," I sat on the bench the boy was sitting on. He turned to me, making a lopsided smile then pulling a cigaret from a pack in his pocket and lighting it. He was my age with shaggy blonde hair and stormy blue eyes. He handed it to me and blew smoke out his own.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked turning to me on the bench. I took a puff of mine then rolled my eyes.

"Well, my mother died a couple years and I think I'm falling off the deep end, what about you?" I asked shrugging.

"My best friend died, not really my best friend, my grandfather. Really, if you're going off the deep end, I'm falling after you," he laughed then put out the smoke,"my names Aiden, by the way."

"Mia, my names Mia Wright," I put out the smoke and ran my hands through my hair.

"Ah, Alpha Wrights daughter right in my face. If only I could kill you. Do you know how much I could get?" he asked. I growled under my breath. He was a rogue. I couldn't smell that he was a wolf under the smoke.

I was on the ground, transforming into a wolf just as he was doing in front of me. He was big, but I could fight him. I had more power. I was the future Luna.

I growled circling around him. He barked jumping at me. I jumped back and went for his leg. He pulled away and shook his head. He jumped for me again just as a shot went off. His ears stuck up in the air and he turned behind him. I stopped growling looking to the trees.

A man came through the bushes holding a shotgun. He pulled it again and aimed it at me. I stared down the barrel freezing up. Aiden pushed me out the way taking the bullet close to his shoulder. He whimpered then turned to me and started to run. He limped on his right shoulder. The bullet only grazed him.

He pushed me along with his head. I followed him deeper into the trees beside the park. When he stopped he started shifting back. I shifted along with him and walked over to him while wrapping my arms over myself. He had his hand on his shoulder as blood trailed down his arms.

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